School District Sets Testing Dates for State Assessments

March 17, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

The DeKalb County School district has set the state assessment testing dates at each school for the remainder of March and April.

Director of Schools Patrick Cripps and other school administrators are asking parents to make sure their children are in the classrooms each day for the assessments.

“Our state testing provides feedback about students’ academic progress. The results help us to make informed decisions on how to better invest in our schools. All high school students will take the End of Course exams online this year,” said Director Cripps. For a preview of how your child will be tested at the high school level please visit this link:

“All other students in our district, grades 2nd-8th, will take the paper version of the TNReady test. Additional information regarding TNReady and End of Course testing can be found on the Tennessee Department of Education website.”…

The following testing dates are specific for each school.

DeKalb County High School:
* March 20th ACT-11th Grade
* April 16th-26th-Grades 9-12
* April 30th-May 4th-Grades 9-12
* Make-up dates for TNReady: April 20th, May 4th

DeKalb Middle School- Grades 6-8
* April 17th-April 27th
* Make up dates: April 18th, April 26th

DeKalb West School-Grade 2 and Grades 3-8
* 2nd Grade Assessment -April 23rd-April 26th
* Make-up date: April 27th, April 30th
* 3rd-4th-April 17th-April 25th
* Make-up dates: April 26th, April 27th
5th-April 17th -April 26th
* Make-up dates: April 27th, April 30th
6th-8th -April 17th -April 27th
* Make-up dates: April 30th, May 1st

Northside Elementary School-Grade 2 and Grades 3-8
* April 18th
* April 23rd-May 1st
* Make-up dates: April 27th Grades 3-4; April 30th-May 1st-Grade 2-5
* 2nd Grade Assessment -April 24th-April 26th
*Make up date: April 26th, April 30th, May 1st

Smithville Elementary School Grade 2
* 2nd Grade Assessment-April 24th-April 26th
* Make-up date: April 27th

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