State Representative Clark Boyd Successfully Guides Education Transparency Bill Through House

April 5, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

State Representative Clark Boyd (R-Lebanon) has successfully guided House Bill 946 through the Tennessee House of Representatives.

The measure — which is part of the Governor’s legislative package this year — improves transparency within our state’s education system by requiring Local Education Agencies (LEA) to report to the Department of Education how additional funds are used every year an LEA receives increased funding from the state for salaries and wages.

“Our teachers work tirelessly to solidify the academic foundations of Tennessee’s current and future leaders,” said Representative Boyd. “We must ensure they are receiving the salaries and pay increases they have earned. I am proud to have carried this bill, which will increase transparency on the subject of teacher pay.”

House Bill 946 ensures taxpayer funding allocated to schools is being used responsibly and to support our educators who play a critical role in the current and future success of our state.

“It is critical that we fully support Tennessee’s educators, and I appreciate Representative Boyd for his tireless efforts fighting for them,” said House Majority Leader William Lamberth (R-Portland). “He did a great job guiding this legislation through the House, and I am grateful to him for all of his hard work.”

“Our teachers play a critical part in developing Tennessee’s leaders,” said Assistant Majority Leader Ron Gant (R-Rossville). “Representative Boyd has been a tremendous advocate for these important groups during his time serving in our General Assembly, and I appreciate his efforts getting this legislation passed.”

Clark Boyd serves as Chairman of the House Consumer and Human Resources Committee, and as a member of the Calendar and Rules, Commerce, and Select Committees on Rules. Boyd is also a member of the House Employee Affairs and House Utilities Subcommittees. He lives in Lebanon and represents Tennessee House District 46, which includes Cannon, and parts of Wilson and DeKalb Counties. He can be reached by email at: or by calling (615)-741-7086.

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