Board of Education Set to Allow Admission of Non-Resident Students Upon Approval and Payment of Tuition

August 8, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

For several years the DeKalb County School District has maintained a closed door policy to any students from other counties wishing to enroll in either of the five schools here except for those whose parents are employed by the school system 

But that closed door policy may soon change. 

During Thursday night’s regular monthly meeting, the Board of Education adopted on first reading an amendment to the existing policy to allow non-resident students to apply for admission to DeKalb County Schools subject to approval of the Director of Schools and payment of a $750 per semester tuition per student. 

Out-of-district students with parents who are employees of the system would still be allowed to attend DeKalb County Schools.

Students who transfer to another school district or who become residents of the school system shall be refunded any unused portion of the tuition on a pro-rata basis.  

When payment is not made on all or any part of the required tuition for a previous year, the student(s) shall be excluded from future attendance until all prior and current tuition is paid.  

The Board will act on the policy amendment on second and final reading at the next meeting in September.

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