Many Locals Temporarily Out of Work Due to Coronavirus Concerns

March 23, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

The Coronavirus threat is fast disrupting daily lives, from school, going out to socialize, and now for workers.

County Mayor Tim Stribling said Monday at least two local industries have shut down temporarily and other plants are cutting back on production.

“SW Manufacturing has shut down for two weeks. Its closed. Tenneco Automotive is closed but has not announced for how long. Star Manufacturing has reduced their work week to four days through the end of April. I made a call to Federal Mogul but have not yet received a response but I think they have had some layoffs. Although they are not automotive related, what is formerly known as Omega Apparel, now 621 Pelham, has closed this week. They may return to work next week,” said County Mayor Stribling.

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