WJLE Recognizes DCHS Class of 2020 (View Photo Gallery Here)

April 6, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

WJLE and participating sponsors are presenting a photo gallery of the DCHS Class of 2020 in April and May.

Graduation is set for Friday, May 15 on the DCHS football field barring any delays due to COVID-19.

Click on the link below to view the senior formals.


A WJLE DCHS Class of 2020 Photo Gallery box also appears on the left side of the WJLE homepage that you may click to view the photos.

Once you open the page, click each photo to view a larger image. The name of the senior you select is at the bottom of the photo or you may move your mouse over the photo to view the name.

There are 170 photos in the gallery divided up 48 photos to a page. After you view page 1 be sure to click the links for pages 2-4 ( top or bottom of the page) to view the remaining photos. The names of 13 seniors not pictured are also listed on the left side of the page above the sponsors.

The WJLE photo gallery page is sponsored in April by County Clerk James L. (Jimmy) Poss, County Mayor Tim Stribling, St Thomas DeKalb Hospital, Gill Automotive, DeKalb Funeral Chapel, Alexandria Auto Parts, First Bank, the DeKalb County Prevention Coalition, Woodbury Insurance Agency, and DTC Communications.

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