April 8, 2020
By: Dwayne Page
The Smithville Mayor and Aldermen Monday night paused to pay tribute to a former mayor and alderman who passed away last week.
Mayor Josh Miller recognized the longtime community service of 94 year old Edward Frazier, who served a Smithville alderman and mayor during the 1970s. Frazier was also a World War II veteran and a successful businessman.
“The City of Smithville and our community lost a great friend and supporter when Mr. Edward Frazier passed away at his residence on Friday, April 3, 2020.”
“Mr. Frazier lived a full and interesting life. He was born to Robert Lee Frazier and Hassie Hubbard Frazier on March 13, 1926 on a farm in the Dry Creek community of DeKalb County.”
“Mr. Frazier was drafted into the U.S. Army as soon as he got out of high school in 1944. He took basic training at Camp Forrest, TN and advanced infantry training at Camp Blanding, Florida. After his training, he was shipped to England where he joined the 99th Infantry Division. His division crossed the English Channel and was on duty in the Ardennes region of Belgium when the German army invaded in the Battle of the Bulge. Mr. Frazier was a combat infantryman who fought the enemy in Belgium, crossed the Rhine River on the Remagen Bridge and fought in southern Germany until he war ended with Germany’s surrender. For his exemplary combat service, Mr. Frazier was awarded the Bronze Star and the Combat Infantryman’s Badge.”
“After the war, Mr. Frazier went into the nursery business in Smithville as owner and president of Frazier Brothers Nursery Company. He married Frances Fuston and to them were born Susan (Hinton) and Edward, Jr.”
“Mr. Frazier served the Smithville community by his service on the city council for many years and as mayor two terms. He was an active leader in many civic organizations, including the American Legion where he served as commander of Smithville POST 122. Mr. Frazier for many years was the community leader for the annual Memorial Day and Veterans Day remembrance events at the courthouse.”
“Mr. Frazier was a tireless promoter of Smithville. During his service on the city council and in the mayor’s office, many infrastructure improvements were made to the city’s streets, parks, water system, and airport, and new municipal buildings were constructed: the city hall, the library, and the post office. The legacy of Edward Frazier’s service to our community can be seen all over town.
“Edward Frazier was a good and honorable man who loved his family and his community. The City of Smithville is a better place because of Edward Frazier, and we are grateful for his life and his service to our nation and city,” said Mayor Miller.