The Wholly Walkamolies Win the Local Walk Across Tennessee Competition

November 23, 2020

The Walk Across Tennessee recently finished a six week competition. During a time when everyone is trying to socially distance to decrease the pandemic numbers, this friendly competition allows everyone to get much needed exercise. The goal of Walk Across Tennessee is for each team of up to 8 people to log 500 miles of exercise, which is the distance across Tennessee. Teams do not literally walk across the state. They can choose any type of exercise and convert the mileage to walking miles.

There were 10 teams and 80 people participating. The teams walked a total of 7,637 miles. Congratulations to the 1st place team, The Wholly Walkamolies who walked 1355 miles. Team members were: Kim Cabral, Marilyn Cabral, Kristen Kulkam, Dawn West, Jenny Evans, Trish Cabral, Sharon Garcia, and Angie Vettraino.

The second place team was the Hurricane Hikers. Team members included: June Keith, Tiwanda Hall, Kalah Donnell, Julie Corcoran, Carina Lundberg, Laurie Chaple, Scott Kolb, and Harriet Adrian. The third place team was Footloose with 1232 miles. Team members included: Lauren Hall, Clay Medley, Brendon Wagner, Carrie Cantrell, Terry Caldwell, and April Martin.

In addition the top individual female award went to Kim Cabral who had a total of 330 miles. The top male award went to Clay with 274 miles.

Be on the lookout for another Walk Across Tennessee in the spring. Walk Across Tennessee is a program by the University of Tennessee Extension office in DeKalb County. The University of Tennessee offers all its programs to all eligible persons regardless or race, color, sex, national origin, or handicap.

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