August 1, 2021
By: Dwayne Page
City of Smithville employees are getting a bonus thanks to state COVID relief grant funds.
During Thursday night’s special called meeting, the Smithville Aldermen voted to use a majority of the available $68,000 in grant funding already received for payment of $1,000 in bonuses to each of the city’s full time employees. One part time employee will get a $500 bonus. These employees qualify for the bonuses under the state’s COVID 19 grant funding guidelines as essential workers. The total amount of the bonuses comes to $49,000 including $35,000 for the general fund and $14,000 for the water and sewer fund.
“The City of Smithville just received $68,000 from state Covid money and last month you (aldermen) voted to give our essential employees a bonus (from this money). Anytime I can brag on our employees I want to. They do a good job and I appreciate their service. During Covid they showed up and worked and I am proud of them. I would like to ask that you (aldermen) to put these bonuses in their hands next week out of that state Covid money,” said Mayor Josh Miller.
The vote was 5-0 in favor.
The aldermen also voted to spend $8,500 of the state Covid grant funds to equip a pickup truck being purchased from capital outlay for the fire department. Fire Chief Charlie Parker made the request saying the truck will be used as a command vehicle and for training purposes. It needs to be equipped with lights, siren, and a radio, etc.
Meanwhile the city will also be receiving $1.3 million in grant funds over the next two years under the Federal American Rescue Plan but the money can only be spent according to federal guidelines. At least half of it will be used to replace deteriorating sewer lines.