November 6, 2021
By: Dwayne Page
Woodmen Life representative Tim Bumbalough supplied the Smithville Police Department Friday with new United States and Tennessee State flags to fly outside and for display inside the building.
Receiving the flags for the police department were Police Chief Mark Collins and Mayor Josh Miller.
“ I work for Woodmen Life, formerly known as Woodmen of the World. We are still Woodmen of the World but we have other companies that we have brought in so Woodmen Life is how we are represented. We are basically a not for profit insurance company that has been around since 1890. We are 131 years old. One of the things we do because we believe in and support patriotism and our local first responders is to present flags. We enjoy presenting the US flag to promote patriotism and support our police departments along with any not for profit company in this manner. That is what we are doing today. We are actually making three presentations today for the Smithville Police Department. We are presenting a new 5’x 8’ US flag and a new 5’x 8’ Tennessee flag to be flown in front of the department and then we are also presenting a pair of indoor flags on stands for the police chief’s office,” said Bumbalough.