Shaun Tubbs Re-Elected Chairman of School Board

September 15, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

Seventh District member Shaun Tubbs has been re-elected Chairman of the DeKalb County Board of Education.

During Thursday night’s regular monthly meeting, Tubbs was again selected by his fellow board members to serve as chairman for the next twelve months.

Meanwhile, Third district member Jim Beshearse was re-elected Vice Chairman of the Board while Sixth District member Jason Miller will again serve as the board’s Tennessee Legislative Network (TLN) representative.

The board re-organizes each September electing officers to serve for the year.

In his monthly personnel report, Director Patrick Cripps announced the resignation of Aaron Shirah, SPED Consulting teacher.

The following personnel have been granted a leave of absence as requested: Gabby Robinson, Sarah Storey, and Seth Willoughby.

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