D.C.H.S. Winter Guard Performs at Championships

April 8, 2024
By: Bill Conger

The DeKalb County High School Winter Guard had its best performance of the season at the Southeastern Color Guard Circuit Championship. Held April 5 at Western Kentucky University’s Diddle Arena, the SCGC brought in teams from not only Tennessee but also Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama.

“WKU Diddle Arena is a very large and intimidating place, Color Guard Director Shannon Johns said, “but these performers didn’t let that keep them from giving the audience a great show.”

The DCHS Winter Guard improved its score and placed 9th out of 13 teams in its class.

The team headed to Bowling Green Friday afternoon (April 5) and hit the ground running.

“We found a parking lot near the arena where we could practice,” Johns said. “After about an hour of practice, we had to go over to the food court to eat and then check in, before getting in costume and makeup for the show. The team performed at 7:49 and had their best performance of the season. In addition to some parents, a few of our alumni made the drive to support the team as well.”

“This season has not been without challenges, but this team has handled it all in stride and continued to grow and represent DeKalb County very well,” Johns added. “I hope they continue to carry the lessons learned in this and previous seasons with them and keep shining. I have been honored to lead this team and coach these and all of my former students. Not only do they make me proud in their performance, but also in the ways I see their character develop and grow over time. I am and will always be proud of the DeKalb County color guard team!”

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