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Local First Responder Heroes Receive “Star of Life Award”

February 19, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

A boating accident on Center Hill Lake almost a year ago critically injured a young Putnam County woman but she is alive and well today in part due to the heroic actions of a park ranger at Edgar Evins State Park, a DeKalb EMS crew, and a Vandy Life Flight team who have been honored with the “Star of Life Award”

The awards ceremony was held Wednesday night in Nashville sponsored by the Children’s Emergency Care Alliance (CECATN).

Receiving the Star of Life First Responder award were DeKalb EMS employees Tony Williams (EMT-Paramedic) and Donna Melton (AEMT), Edgar Evins State Park Ranger Lee Chadwell, and Vandy Life Flight team members Bill Dickson (pilot), Rachelle Brockman (RN, EMT, Flight Nurse), and Clayton Anstis (CCP, Flight Paramedic), who also works part time with DeKalb EMS.

These recipients were recognized for providing exemplary life saving care to Brtttany Tucker on May 31, 2020.

Tucker, age 19 at the time, was with others on Center Hill Lake when she was thrown from an inner tube being pulled by a boat. Tucker suffered an internal head wound in the accident and although she managed to get back to the boat under her own power, Tucker’s condition deteriorated rapidly. Park Ranger Chadwell quickly responded to render assistance as the DeKalb EMS crew (Williams and Melton) was enroute. Upon arrival, the EMS crew learned that Tucker began experiencing headaches and blurred vision before becoming unresponsive. She later started vomiting. EMS treated Tucker at the scene and during transport to a helicopter landing zone nearby where the Vandy Life Flight Crew had touched down. The Vandy helicopter ambulance crew joined the local EMS team in stabilizing Tucker in preparation for the flight. She was then airlifted to Vanderbilt hospital where she underwent further treatment by neurosurgeon and trauma team providers. Although critically injured, Tucker made a complete recovery.

The Star of Life Award recognizes exceptional front-line care, with a focus on the agencies and providers who are the initial care responders.

“We have a great group of EMS staff and I am very proud of them. As always all the different agencies worked together in exercising their knowledge, professionalism and care for the patient. On behalf of DeKalb EMS, we are honored to receive this special award,” said DeKalb EMS Director Hoyte Hale.

Graduation Tonight (Friday) for DCHS Class of 2021 (View photo gallery here)

May 14, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

Commencement for the Class of 2021 will take place on the football field of DeKalb County High School tonight (Friday) starting at 7 p.m.

The DCHS band will perform the traditional pomp and circumstance as members of the class file onto the field to take their seats. The program will then open with an invocation, a performance by the DCHS Chorus, remarks by Class President and Valedictorian Carly Vance, recognition of honors students, and presentation of the prestigious White Rose and Citizenship awards. Diplomas will then be presented to the graduates by Principal Randy Jennings followed by the benediction to close out the commencement.

Click link below to view the DCHS Class of 2021 photo gallery sponsored in May by Sheriff Patrick Ray, Road Supervisor Danny Hale, Circuit Court Clerk Susan Martin, County Clerk James L. (Jimmy) Poss, County Mayor Tim Stribling, Trustee Sean Driver, Assessor of Property Shannon Cantrell, NHC Healthcare Center of Smithville, Ascension St Thomas DeKalb Hospital, Gill Automotive, Good Health Family Clinic, DeKalb Funeral Chapel, First Bank, the DeKalb County Prevention Coalition, , and DTC Communications.

TDOT Working to Improve Dangerous Portion of Highway 70 at Liberty

May 14, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

Quick action!

The Tennessee Department of Transportation has had a maintenance crew in Liberty this week working to improve the cross-slope of Highway 70 where so many wrecks have occurred in recent years including a few fatal crashes due to hydroplaning.

19 year old Savannah Buckley of Cookeville lost her life in a crash there Monday, May 3.

After learning of Buckley’s death, State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver last week contacted the Tennessee Department of Transportation urging the commissioner to have TDOT fix the drainage problem immediately in the “kill zone” on Highway 70 at Liberty. TDOT crews arrived on the scene within days.

WJLE reached out to TDOT Thursday for a comment on the scope of the work being done there.

“TDOT Maintenance is milling and repaving this area to try to improve the cross-slope of the roadway at this location to better drain water off the travel lanes during heavy rains,” said Jennifer Flynn, TDOT Region 2 Community Relations Officer.

“This location is in a transitional area toward the beginning/end of the curve, so the cross slope is flatter (not as steep) than other sections of the roadway. We are going to build up and steepen the slope across the road to better push water off the driving lanes to the shoulder and into curb and gutter so that the catchbasins/drainage system can take it away,” said Flynn.

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