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State Lawmakers Mark Pody and Terri Lynn Weaver Address Concerns About Coronavirus (View video here)

March 14, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

As the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world, including in Tennessee, Gov. Bill Lee Thursday declared a state of emergency while making plans to shore up the state’s medical resources in anticipation of a wave of new patients. But State Senator Mark Pody and State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver, who made a joint appearance at an event in DeKalb County Friday, are cautioning people not to panic.

State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver and State Senator Mark Pody address concerns about the coronavirus from dwayne page on Vimeo.

“We don’t need to be afraid we just need to use common sense,” said Senator Pody.

Most patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection have mild respiratory illness with fever, cough and shortness of breath. A smaller number of patients have severe symptoms requiring hospitalization.

As of Friday, state officials said Tennessee had 26 detected cases of COVID-19.

Senator Pody, trying to ease concerns, said people should put things in perspective.

“Since the start of this coronavirus there have been 138,000 people who have gotten this virus worldwide and of that 138,000 we have already had over 70,000 completely cured with no further problems whatsoever. We have about 62,000 who still have some sort of virus. They have been tested positive and of that number (62,000) there are 56,600 people who have already been calculated as mild so they will recover. It comes down to this. In the entire history of this virus worldwide there have been 5,080 deaths and that is tragic but every single year we have millions of people that get the flu and die from it. This virus (coronavirus) isn’t even coming close to that. Its really important to keep this in perspective,” said Senator Pody.

“In the United States, as of today (Friday) there have been 1,800 plus cases and of that number (1,800) there have been 41 deaths in this nation since it started and over half of those deaths came from one facility, a nursing home in the state of Washington. The average age of people passing away from this virus has been over 80 years old and most of those people had an underlying health condition. If you are a healthy person and get something like this it will probably be more like an allergy or flu like symptom. It may not necessarily put you in the hospital. We are saying don’t go overboard and think that this is something that will destroy Tennessee or America. Its not that. Just use some common sense and go on with your everyday lives,” said Pody.

Representative Weaver also cautioned people not to panic but to practice good hygiene and seek medical attention if you do get sick.

“This is flu season so wash your hands, cover your mouth, and if you are sick just stay home and take care of yourself. If your children are sick don’t send them to school. Its just common sense.
If you feel you have any symptoms go get tested or have a checkup. Take care of yourself,” she said.

Tennesseans are encouraged to take routine precautions used in guarding against respiratory viruses:

*Wash your hands often with soap and water.
*Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
*Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
*Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
*Stay home if you are sick
*Stay away from people who are sick

The governor’s state of an emergency declaration on Thursday came one day after the World Health Organization said COVID-19 had become a global pandemic, President Donald Trump ordered a ban on air travel from Europe, sports leagues suspended seasons, and schools throughout the state said they planned to shut down campuses. On Friday President Trump declared a national emergency, a move that would enable federal officials to direct billions of dollars to fighting the virus.

With the emergency declaration, Tennessee will join an ever-growing number of states to take similar action. As of Wednesday, at least 28 had declared states of emergency, according to the National Governors Association.

The declaration will also give Tennessee access to additional federal funding to combat the coronavirus. Before Thursday’s announcement, Tennessee was set to receive $10 million from the federal government to help with the state’s response.

The Tennessee Department of Health has launched a Tennessee Coronavirus Public Information Line in partnership with the Tennessee Poison Center. The number is 877-857-2945 and is available daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. CDT.

People with concerns about their health should contact their health care providers. TDH has additional information available at The CDC has updated information and guidance available online at

Public Access Restricted at Sheriff’s Department and Jail Due to Coronavirus Threat

March 13, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office is restricting public access to the facility until further notice due to the threat of the coronavirus.

“Our number one priority is to prevent possible exposure to staff as well as inmates therefore we have placed the sheriff’s office and jail on a soft lock down which means that the general public will not be able to enter the facility. The front door to the lobby will be locked. Anyone in need of an officer or services such as a warrant must press a button at the front door which will ring for a correctional officer who will meet you at the door to offer assistance,” said Sheriff Patrick Ray.

For all non-emergency issues please call 615-597-4935.

“Tuesday night church services and family visitations with inmates at the jail will be prohibited except for online visitations and the inmate roadside litter pickup program will be suspended until the threat subsides,” said Sheriff Ray.

“Offenders brought into the jail will undergo established protocols during this time and rather than an in court appearance, video conferences will be arranged for defendants needing an immediate hearing before a judge for certain matters such as bond conditions, etc.,” he added.

“To keep the jail from being infected, regular wipe downs are being conducted throughout the jail and cell areas”.

“We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause,” added Sheriff Ray.

Tennessee courts closed because of COVID-19

March 13, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

Tennessee courts are suspended through the end of the month because of the Coronavirus.

An order from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court released Friday morning states that all in-person proceedings in state and local courts will be suspended through Tuesday, March 31. According to the order, that includes but is not limited to municipal, juvenile, general sessions, trial and appellate courts.

Circuit Court Clerk Susan Martin said that all persons summoned for the new Grand Jury and term of court March 30 are not to report that day but will need to call 615-597-5711 extension 6 for further jury information after 5 p.m. March 31.

Again, this suspension applies to all DeKalb County Courts including General Sessions, Circuit, Chancery, Criminal, Child Support, DCS,  Juvenile Court, and the City of Smithville Municipal Court

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