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Trump and Biden Carry DeKalb County in Presidential Preference Primaries

March 3, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden won their respective Presidential Preference Primaries in Tennessee and DeKalb County on Super Tuesday.

Trump carried every DeKalb County precinct in the GOP Primary for a total of 939 votes. His only Republican rival Bill Weld received just 3 votes in DeKalb County.

Biden won the Democratic Primary in DeKalb County with 447 votes followed by Bernie Sanders with 203 votes and Michael Bloomberg with 165 votes. Elizabeth Warren received 74 votes and Tulsi Gabbard had 6 votes.

Biden carried all 15 precincts in DeKalb County but he and Bloomberg each had 92 votes to lead the pack in early voting and absentees.

A total of 1,958 people cast ballots on Super Tuesday in DeKalb County including 1,258 on election day and 700 during early voting or by absentee.

Stage Officially Set for Assessor of Property Race in August

March 3, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

DeKalb County Democrats Tuesday chose their nominees for the offices of Property Assessor and Constable for the August General Election.

There were no surprises.

Tom R. Duggin was unopposed to become the Democratic nominee for Assessor of Property and received a total of 760 complimentary votes. Duggin will face Incumbent Assessor and Republican nominee Shannon Cantrell in the August Election. Cantrell was nominated for re-election by the DeKalb County Republican Party by caucus in December.

All six Democrats running for constable in their districts were unopposed Tuesday and will be without opposition in August.

The Tuesday election results for those candidates are as follows:

First District: Waylon Kyle-76 votes
Second District: Darrell Johnson-105 Votes
Fourth District: Paul Cantrell-140 votes
Fifth District: Mark Milam-100 votes
Sixth District: Jason Brown-84 votes
Seventh District: Johnny King-93 votes.

There is no Democratic candidate for Constable in the Third District but Republican nominee Travis Bryant will be unopposed for the seat in August. Bryant is actually the incumbent Third District Constable and has served for the last four years as a Democrat but he switched parties in December and was nominated at that time by the DeKalb County Republican Party to run in August as a GOP candidate.

Meanwhile, Criminal Court Judge Wesley Bray received 666 DeKalb County votes in the 13th Judicial District GOP Primary to serve out the last two years of former Judge David Patterson’s unexpired term. Patterson stepped down from the bench last year. Bray will be unopposed in August as there is no Democratic candidate.

A total of 1,958 people cast ballots on Super Tuesday in DeKalb County including 1,258 on election day and 700 during early voting or by absentee.

President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden won their respective Presidential Preference Primaries in Tennessee and DeKalb County on Super Tuesday.

Trump carried every DeKalb County precinct in the GOP Primary for a total of 939 votes. His only Republican rival Bill Weld received just 3 votes in DeKalb County.

Biden won the Democratic Primary in DeKalb County with 447 votes followed by Bernie Sanders with 203 votes and Michael Bloomberg with 165 votes. Elizabeth Warren received 74 votes and Tulsi Gabbard had 6 votes.

Biden carried all 15 precincts in DeKalb County but he and Bloomberg each had 92 votes to lead the pack in early voting and absentees.

Calling all lifeguards!

March 3, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

Calling all lifeguards!

The City of Smithville is in desperate need of life guards if the Municipal Swimming Pool is to open on time in May.

Currently only six lifeguards have applied to work this year.

Manager Jeania Cawthorn addressed the concern with the Mayor and Aldermen Monday night during their regular monthly meeting.

“For the last six to eight weeks I have been trying to find lifeguards. Right now we have six. We usually start the summer off with 20 to 25. We had 17 last year and ended up with six at the end. I just wanted to give you a heads up and ask if you had any suggestions on how to recruit lifeguards because I have tried everything I know to try including posting notices on social media,” said Cawthorn.

“Any reason why the decrease in applications,” asked Alderman Gayla Hendrix

“I have talked to surrounding counties and they are also having trouble recruiting lifeguards. I don’t know if it is the pay. I know there is a lot of responsibility to taking and passing these classes,” Cawthorn said.

“So what you are saying is if we don’t have any more than six or seven lifeguards there is a good possibility the pool cannot be open but two or three days a week,” said Mayor Josh Miller.

“That is what I am afraid of,” answered Cawthorn.

“How many must you have,” asked Alderman Donnie Crook.

“You must have four on the stand at all times and we do 40-45 hours just regular open pool time not counting the pool parties but most of the time these teens can’t work all the time because they have vacations, ball camps, and extra jobs and the most we can work a lifeguard is 29 hours,” said Cawthorn.

Anyone who is interested and qualified to apply should do so as soon as possible. Cawthorn will schedule you for work at the pool around your schedule. The pay is $8.00 an hour with flexible hours.

Requirements include the following but are not limited to:
*Must be 15 years of age by May 1st
*Must pass American Red Cross Life Guard Course and CPR Class
*Must be a strong swimmer
*Must be able to pass drug test and back ground check

Benefits of being a life guard:
*You could save a life.
*Life saving skills
*Developing leadership skills
*Being a role model
*Looks good on resumes
*Developing new friendships

Classes will be offered May 8-10 in Smithville. The cost of the 30 hour class is $175.00 and the city of Smithville will reimburse you once the course is completed.

“I told Jeania its best that we (city) reimburse them because If we pay for the class and they don’t get their certificate then we are out that money,” said Mayor Miller.

“That’s what we did last year. We paid for several that didn’t even show up for the class but this year they (lifeguards) will have to pay for the class up front and if they pass we will reimburse them,” said Cawthorn.

“They offer the classes usually in January and February but a few places will be doing it in April. I know its two months away but if they don’t take the classes soon we won’t have them (lifeguards) when we open on Memorial Day,” Cawthorn continued.

Contact Jeania at the Pro-shop at 615-597-6648 for more information.

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