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DCHS to Host Open House for “Tiny House” Monday, March 2

February 24, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

An open house will be held Monday, March 2 to give the public an opportunity to view the Tiny House recently completed by students in the DCHS Residential and Commercial Construction Class.

The open house will be held next Monday from 3 to 5 p.m. at DeKalb County High School near the Vocational School where the Tiny House is located.

The Tiny House is now for sale and sealed bids are being accepted. The minimum bid has been established at $22,600. The Board of Education will open bids at the next regular monthly meeting on Thursday, March 12 at 7 p.m. at the Ernest Ray Education Center.

The 8’ x 24’ Tiny House stands up to 13 feet and 6 inches and sets on a modified trailer that can be anchored or moved from place to place.

Accommodations in the Tiny House, although compact include a living room, kitchenette, bathroom, and sleeping space.

Specific features are as follows:
● Mobility by use of a trailer
● Central heat and air unit
● Cooktop
● Solid wood cherry cabinets
● Loft bedroom
● Cherry laminate flooring
● Bathroom with shower
● Metal roof
● Cedar wood siding ( stained and finished)
● 200 square feet including loft

TinyHouse (PDF)


Upcoming Community Calendar Events and Meetings

February 24, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

*The DCHS Lady Tigers will play for 3rd place in the District 8AA basketball tournament Monday night, February 24 after losing to Macon County 57 to 31 in the Semi-Finals Friday night, February 21 at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville. The Lady Tigers will face York Institute Monday at Tech starting at 6 p.m. WJLE will have LIVE coverage. The Lady Dragons lost to Upperman Friday night in the Tournament Semi-Finals 50 to 35. Macon County will face Upperman for the District Tournament championship Monday night at 7:30 p.m. at Tech.

*The DCHS Counseling department would like to invite the 8th grade students and parents to Freshman Parent Night, which will be held at DeKalb County High School on Monday and Tuesday, February 24 & 25 from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. It is very important that every student and parent or guardian attend.
Students will be divided by homerooms. Monday, February 24, 2020 – the homerooms of Lori Hendrix, Hunter Poteete, Sarah Jacobs, Sean Antoniak, & Karen France will meet. Tuesday, February 25, 2020 – the homerooms of Galen Brown, Bryan Jones, Alyssa Leslie, and Justin Poteete will meet.If you cannot attend on your scheduled night, please come on the other night. This will be a time for parents and students to learn about the DCHS education program including the career & technical programs. Students and parents will also choose the courses that their student will take in high school their 9th grade year. If you cannot attend either night, please contact DCHS School Counselor Shelly Painter at 597-2247 or We look forward to meeting you.

*Liberty State Bank will host their annual Relay for Life Chili and Soup Lunch Friday February 28th at the Alexandria Office. Lunch will begin at 10:30am. Desserts will also be available! All proceeds will go to Relay for life. For more information please call 615-529-2375.

*The DeKalb County Commission will meet in regular monthly session on Monday, February 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the 3rd floor courtroom of the courthouse. The agenda is as follows:
Sales Tax Report to be given by County Mayor;
Commission to consider approval of budget amendments;
Commission to consider recommendation of budget committee that request from Board of Education for $48 million in funding for new school proposal be denied as too costly; Commission to consider granting authority to E911 Board to name public and private roads;
Commission to consider approval of a resolution to apply for Tennessee Housing Development Agency home grant funds;
Approval of notaries;
Consider any other business properly presented.

*The Alexandria and Justin Potter Library’s Book Sale will start on Friday, February 28th and will continue through Saturday, March 28th. There will be books, audio books, videos and magazines for sale at great prices. The libraries are accepting donations of books and movies that are in good condition for their book sale. They request no textbooks, magazines or encyclopedias, please. Come by and check out what the libraries have to offer. For additional information, contact Justin Potter Library at 615-597-4359 or the Alexandria Library at 615-529-4124. Visit us on our website or Facebook.

*The DeKalb County Retired Teachers Association will meet Thursday, March 5, at Smithville Elementary School at 11:30 am. Current members will share stories of their experiences in their early teaching careers. All retired school employees are invited to attend and enjoy good food and fellowship sponsored by Liberty State Bank.

*Interested concerned citizens may receive some free instruction on recognizing the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose Tuesday, February 25 at the UT Extension meeting room in the county complex starting at 10:30 a.m. The DeKalb Prevention Coalition will host a Community Naloxone (NARCAN) training session conducted by Suzanne Angel, Regional Overdose Prevention Specialist for the State of Tennessee Region 3 North. Everyone is welcome. All attendees will receive a free Narcan kit.

*A Classroom Hunter Education Course will be held Saturday and Sunday, March 7 & 8 at the DeKalb County Fire Department’s Main Station at 782 King Ridge Road, Dowelltown.
TWRA Officer Tony Cross said classes will be held Saturday, March 7 from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 8 from 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. The course is offered free of charge. Participants must Pre-register on-line at and follow the prompts.
Participants must be at least 9 years old to take the class and must attend both days of the course.
For more information call Tony Cross at 931-287-8427.

*Early Voting is underway for the March 3 Primaries.
Voters in both parties are selecting their preferences for US President. Republicans are choosing the GOP nominee for Criminal Court Judge Part II in the 13th Judicial District, and the DeKalb County Democratic primary is being held where local Democrats are selecting nominees for Assessor of Property and Constable in 6 of the 7 districts. Early Voting runs through February 25. All early voting will be conducted at the DeKalb County Courthouse in Smithville. Early voting hours (available at are Monday 1-5 and Tuesday 9-1.

*DEKALB TEE-BALL, COACH PITCH & GIRLS FAST PITCH: Sign-ups will be on Saturday, Feb 29th from 8:00am to 12noon (LAST DAY) in the UT Extension Office in the County Complex, Smithville. WE ask if everyone fill out the uniform size section on the sign-up sheets & turn in so that we will have uniforms already finished. We will get parents shirts sizes later. Also we are going to try to split the age groups of the fast pitch softball league, IF we get enough players for each group. The ages will be: 10,11 and 12 year olds(can’t be 13 before Jan. 1st, 2020). The 13, 14 and 15 year olds (can’t be 16 before Jan. 1, 2020). Anyone that played last year and falls into the new age group is no required to go down to the new age group but they can, and as always anyone moving up, can play up to the older league if they want to. Check us out on FACEBOOK – we place all our updates on that site under “DeKalb Tee-Ball, Coach Pitch and Girls Fast Pitch”. Brian Hall – League President.

*Students and their families will take a fun filled journey through the halls of DeKalb West School Thursday night, February 27 interacting with story book characters and participating in unique learning games and activities as part of an effort to increase excitement and improve children’s reading abilities.
The school’s 5th annual Camp Read S’more Family Literacy Night will be held at DeKalb West School and students from throughout the school system and their parents are invited. Doors will open at 5:15 p.m.
Activities will include camping themed areas to read s’more, a book walk with the Cat in the Hat, Capture the Literacy Flag, and much more. In addition, DeKalb West School students will have STREAM fair projects on display.

*The DeKalb County Democratic Party will host its Democratic County Presidential Convention on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at the DeKalb County High School cafeteria 1130 W Broad St, Smithville, TN 37166, to select representation from the county to attend the District Convention on March 21.
The doors open for registration at 11:00 AM and the convention is open to all registered voters in the county who are supporters of the Democratic Party, have voted in the March 2020 Presidential Primary, and who agree to support the nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2020 Presidential election.
The convention will begin at 12:00 PM when caucuses will be held for the top vote getting presidential candidates in Congressional District 6. The party welcomes all who wish to participate in selecting Tennessee’s delegates to the Democratic Presidential Convention in Milwaukee the week of July 13, 2020.
Information about becoming a DNC delegate and the rules governing the DNC Delegate Selection Process may be obtained from, or from the Tennessee Democratic Party, 319 Plus Park Blvd, Ste 203, Nashville, TN 37217, 615-327-9779.

*DeKalb Middle School Golf Team Matches
Tuesday March 3rd, @ 4:00 (HOME)-Smithville Golf Course. Playing against Watertown and Davidson Academy.
Friday, March 13th @ 4:00 (HOME)
Playing Smith County
Tuesday, March 17th @ 4:00 (HOME)
playing Watertown & Davidson Academy
Monday, March 30th (AWAY) Lebanon County Club
Playing Walter J Baird, Winfree Bryant, Watertown, & Davidson Academy in Lebanon.
Friday, April 3rd (AWAY) Cookeville Golden Eagles Golf
@4:00 playing Smith County.
Tuesday, April 7th (HOME) @ 4:00
Playing Watertown.
Monday, April 13th (AWAY) Lebanon Country.
@4:00 playing Walter J Baird & Winfree Bryant.
Tuesday, April 21 (HOME) @ 4:00
playing Davidson County
Friday, April 24th (HOME) @ 4:00
Playing Watertown & Smith County.

*DeKalb Youth Baseball Signups will be February 8 at Northside Elementary School; February 29 at the UT Extension Office in the County Complex. Registration fees are $65.00 per child and $50 for each sibling. Please bring proof of player age and proof of residency. Player ages determined by what age the player is as of May 1st.
Coach Pitch: 7-8 year olds
Minor League: 9-10 year olds
Major League: 11-12 year olds
Senior League: 13-15 year olds
Tryouts for all leagues will be Saturday, March 7
There will be no concession stand buyouts this year and no parents will be required to work them.
They accept debit/credit cards. Transaction fee applies.

*The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) will hold a commodities distribution for DeKalb County on Thursday, Feb. 27 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. at the DeKalb County UCHRA office. Sign up will be available at the distribution site. This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee.

*The remainder of the 2020 school year is as follows:
Schools will be closed for Good Friday, April 10 and Spring break March 23 through March 27
Students will not attend on Wednesday, May 20. That will be an administrative day and all teachers must attend. The last day of school will be Thursday, May 21 and report cards will be sent home.
DCHS Graduation will be Friday, May 15 at 7 p.m.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, March 19 at DeKalb County High School from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will also be held from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 17 at DeKalb Middle School, Northside Elementary, Smithville Elementary, and DeKalb West School.
Report cards will be sent home on Monday, March 16 and Thursday, May 21.

Smithville Elementary Recognizes February Students of the Month

February 24, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

Smithville Elementary would like to recognize our Students of the Month for February. These students were selected for their outstanding character, academics, and other traits that make them an all-around excellent student.

Selected as Students of the Month for February are:
Pre-K: Brayden Carrillo Gutierrez & Sawyer Russell
Kindergarten: Kendall Poss & Angela Galvan
1st grade: Tyiani Jackson & Kelvin Reagan
2nd grade: Kendall Walker & Austin O’Conner

Sawyer Russell and Kendall Poss are not pictured. The students are pictured with 1st grade teachers Ms. Bethany Poss and Mrs. Melissa Sliger.

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