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Alexandria Senior Center Celebrates Flag Day

June 14, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

Members of Boy Scout Troop 347 conducted a flag retirement ceremony as part of a Flag Day observance Wednesday at the Alexandria Senior Citizens Center.

“The scouts brought about 40-50 flags to retire. Each flag was carefully folded into the formal triangular shape, prior to burning. It was very touching and respectful. The service was led by Jonathan Birmingham, Committee member; Darren Waggoner, scout; Ben Waggoner, cub scout; and Miranda Waggoner, Committee member”, said Sandy Brown, Director of the Alexandria Senior Citizens Center.

The United States federal law provides that the flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display should be destroyed in a dignified way preferably by burning.


Write-Ins to Decide Alexandria Mayor Race August 2

June 13, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

The Alexandria Mayor’s race will be contested on Thursday, August 2 during the Municipal Election although voters will find no name on the ballot.

Incumbent Mayor Bennett Armstrong will be seeking re-election to a second term but this time he is running a write-in campaign. He will face a challenge from Donna Davis, who is also a write-in candidate for mayor.

The term of office is four years.

Meanwhile three aldermen are also to be elected in Alexandria but only one name for alderman appears on the ballot, Lloyd Dale Dyer. Two other persons will be mounting a write-in campaign for alderman including Shane Blair, an incumbent, for a full four-year term and Bridgette Rogers, for a two-year term that fills a vacancy.

Noon Wednesday, June 13 was the deadline for write-in candidates to make their intentions known to the election commission for the August 2 elections.

State Primaries to Feature Several Contested Races

June 13, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

The Tennessee Democratic and Republican Primaries on August 2 will feature several contested races for state offices.

Six Republicans and three Democrats are in the race for Governor.

Seeking the Republican nomination for Governor on August 2 are Diane Black, Randy Boyd, Beth Harwell, Bill Lee, Basil Marceaux, Sr. and Kay White.

Democrats in the hunt for their party’s nomination for Governor are Karl Dean, Craig Fitzhugh, and Mezianne Vale Payne.

Two Republicans and three Democrats are looking to succeed Bob Corker as U.S. Senator

Candidates in the GOP primary for the US Senate are Marsha Blackburn and Aaron L. Pettigrew.

Democrats seeking the nomination for the US Senate are Phil Bredesen, Gary Davis, and John Wolfe

For the US House of Representatives,6th District, contenders for the GOP nomination are Bob Corlew, Judd Matheny, Christopher Brian Monday, John Rose, and Lavern “Uturn Lavern” Vivio.

Democrats looking to be nominated for Congress are Dawn Barlow, Christopher Martin Finley, Peter Heffernan, and Merilee Wineinger.

In the race for State Senate, District 17, the candidates are Republican Mark Pody and Democrat Mary Alice Carfi. They are each running unopposed for the nomination of their respective parties on August 2.

For the State House of Representatives in District 40, Terri Lynn Weaver and Chad Z. Williams are vying for the GOP nomination. There is no Democratic candidate.

In the District 46 race for the State House of Representatives, the GOP candidates seeking the nomination are Clark Boyd and Menda McCall Holmes.

Democrats seeking the nomination for District 46 are Mark Cagle and Faye Northcutt-Knox

For GOP State Executive Committeeman, District 17, the candidates are Jerry Beavers and Dwayne Craighead.

Two candidates are running for GOP State Executive Committeewoman, District 17, Terri Nicholson and Jennifer Franklin Winfree.

Aubrey T. Givens is in the race for Democratic State Executive Committeeman, District 17 while Carol Brown Andrews is seeking the position of Democratic State Executive Committeewoman, District 17.

Winners of the primaries will face off in the November Tennessee General Election

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