Local Men Produce Christian Podcast
November 6, 2023
By: Bill Conger
Two members of Allen’s Chapel Church in Smithville are producing a new worldwide Christian podcast. Grant Goodwin is the voice and creator of the content for “Worthless to Worthy,” and Jonathan Morris is behind the controls as engineer and producer.
“I’ve been in a season of waiting for quite a long time,” Goodwin said. “Something I’ve been talking with a lot of people about and praying and just wanting to know what God has for me next, and this is something that he’s put on my heart as a ministry opportunity.”
“I don’t feel like I’m worthy to tell people about Jesus or to understand what God sees in me, and I think I’m not alone in that there’s so many people that don’t understand what it is that makes them worthy. Me personally, I feel like I’m underwhelming when I speak to people at church or minister to people on the street. But we have to all understand we are worth it because of what Jesus did on the cross. And that’s what I want to get across to people.”
Goodwin says he feels called to follow through on the Great Commission Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19.
“That’s something that we’re falling short with, and I have confidence in saying that, as Christians, we all fall short of that. We’re not doing a good enough job people telling people about Jesus.”
He says believers’ insecurities can hinder them from sharing, but he says the
“Our testimony is what makes us worthy and what makes us necessary and equipped to tell people,” Goodwin adds. Some people are concerned what others will think or how they are received. We hear it a lot on Sunday mornings from our pastor [Darrell Gill]. He’s told us people always say I never thought you’d be a preacher, and I think people struggle with that in their own lives.”
“I know what I’ve put people myself through. How could that be forgiven? And how does that get me to a place of being qualified to tell people about Jesus? But again, it’s what we’re called to do as Christians.”
The “Worthless to Worthy” podcast is scheduled to come out on Spotify weekly. New shows will be released usually on Fridays. Jonathan Morris handles all the behind-the-scenes activity including creating the logo, producing the music, and editing and uploading the episodes.
“He’s really working hard for the Lord, and people are not going to see that necessarily. Just to know what he’s doing behind the scenes gets me more fired up. He spends an hour or two every night to get it ready to be uploaded on Friday morning.
Goodwin says he also wants the podcast to not only reach people who aren’t believers in Jesus but also those who are professed Christians.
“I hope the podcast can help deepen that. We’re going to do some studies in the future, and I hope that can help people get deeper into the Word. But more so we want to reach people that don’t have that relationship. I’ll really believe in this could be an outlet for people. This could be the only time of the week that they hear or talk about or think about God. That’s the people that I really want to reach. I want to plant seeds in the hearts of those people. I want everybody to understand. God’s love and how that works.”
Goodwin is a husband to Taylor and dad to Charlie, but he says at the end of the day he’s simply a sinner saved by grace.
“I’m somebody that makes mistakes every day, but because Jesus died on the cross for us, I’m redeemed for those sins, and that’s what I’m trying to get across to people. If you have Jesus in your heart, it doesn’t matter what you’ve done you have an opportunity every day to be better for yourself, for your family, for your friends, for your church, and most importantly for God. He’s doing so many wonderful things in my life and has given me so many ministry opportunities like this one. I think it’s time that I start truly telling people what He’s done.”
City to Begin Fire Hydrant Flushing This Week
November 6, 2023
By: Dwayne Page
The City of Smithville has contracted with Rogers hydrant service to flush fire hydrants over a two-week period starting this week from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.
The annual flushing of water mains via fire hydrants is a standard maintenance process that improves water quality at the tap by removing accumulated minerals, sediment and tuberculation in the lines (a buildup common in iron pipes that reduces its ability to transmit water). This also helps identify hydrants in need of repair.
The flushing process can cause low water pressure and frequently disturbs the accumulated minerals and sediment in the water mains. The quick release of water from a hydrant causes them to dissolve and temporarily discolor the water delivered to homes and businesses.
“Although, the water is perfectly safe we recommend running a cold water tap for several minutes to help clear the discoloration before using it for drinking or laundry. Please check your washing machine before using it as you may experience discolored clothing due to hydrant flushing,” said Kevin Robinson, City Public Works Director.
The fire hydrant flushing only affects the City of Smithville and its water customers.
SES Students and Staff Pay Tribute to Veterans
November 5, 2023
By: Dwayne Page
Smithville Elementary School renewed its in-person Veteran’s Day tribute a week ahead of the official observance last Thursday, November 2 in the auditorium of the county complex.
Veterans in attendance were the honored guests for the assembly which featured songs of praise and patriotism from children as young as kindergarten to second grade age along with SES teachers, staff, parents, and the public.
Although many of the youngsters may have been too young to understand the significance of the occasion, SES Principal Anita Puckett said it was important for them to be exposed to some of the community’s hometown heroes.
“If there is anything these students take away from their experience at Smithville Elementary School is that we value those that have served our country for our freedom. I know they may be too young but with knowledge is power. I never want these children to ever take for granted the opportunities that this country has and the freedom we have been given due to those that have served. I am grateful to each of you,” said Principal Puckett in her welcoming remarks.
The program then continued with a recording of the National Anthem by the United States Marine Band, a music video of Daily & Vincent’s “Unsung Heroes”, and a recognition by Erica Birmingham of all veterans in attendance. Each of the classes sang along with recorded military tributes to the veterans including kindergarten students who joined in singing “The Army Goes Rolling Along”; first graders who sang “The Marine’s Hymn”, and “Wild Blue Yonder”; and Second graders singing “Anchors Aweigh” and “Semper Paratus”.
Misty Agee then read the following poem by author Jonanna Fuchs:
“On Veteran’s Day we honor
Soldiers who protect our nation.
For their service as our warriors,
They deserve our admiration.
Some of them were drafted;
Some were volunteers;
For some it was just yesterday;
For some it’s been many years;
In the jungle or the desert,
On land or on the sea,
They did whatever was assigned
To produce a victory.
Some came back; some didn’t.
They defended us everywhere.
Some saw combat; some rode a desk;
All of them did their share.
No matter what the duty,
For low pay and little glory,
These soldiers gave up normal lives,
For duties mundane and gory.
Let every veteran be honored;
Don’t let politics get in the way.
Without them, freedom would have died;
What they did, we can’t repay.
We owe so much to them,
Who kept us safe from terror,
So when we see a uniform,
Let’s say “thank you” to every wearer”.
The assembly of children and others then joined in singing with Lee Greenwood’s recording of “God Bless the USA” which was followed by Principal Puckett reading from Psalms 33:12-22 as a blessing to the veterans before closing the program.
A special thanks to the veterans who attended the program including the following and their branch of military service:
Norm Osburn, Army
Dale Pedigo, Army and Civil Service
Shannon Postle, Navy
Family of Clyde Thomas, Navy
Caleb Tramel, Marine Corps
Michael Peterson, Marine Corps
Ken Werner, Marine Corps
Julie Goodrich, Air Force
Dean Broadhead, Air Force
Robert “Bobcat” Secott, Air Force
Ronnie Redmon Sr, Air Force
Phil Prater, Army
Nathan Thomas, Army
Ronald Miller, Army
Jesus Hernandez, Army
James Wilmoth, Army
Charles Cantrell, Army
Ben Franklin, Army
Michael Cooper, Army
Michael VanDyne, Army
Jim Tollison, Army
Ronnie Bates, Army
Jerry Hinton, Army
Ed Bray, Army
Thomas Garrett, Army
Mark Rennaker, Army
Clyde Miller, Army National Guard
Glenn Worley, Marine Corps
Joshua Howe, Marine Corps
John Hummer, Marine Corps
Jacob Rankhorn, Marine Corps
Dane Powell, Marine Corps
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