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New Intersection Opened at Highway 56 and Keltonburg Road (Highway 288)

July 24, 2022
By: Dwayne Page

Motorists traveling Keltonburg Road (Highway 288) are urged to be aware of the new traffic pattern at the intersection with Highway 56.

The Tennessee Department of Transportation has announced that the contractor, Jones Brothers Contractors, has shifted traffic on State Route 288 (Keltonburg Road) to the new State Route 56 (McMinnville Highway) intersection which is now directly across from Blue Springs Road. Motorists should use caution at the new intersection and be mindful of the new traffic pattern. The old intersection there has been closed.

Meanwhile, TDOT has announced a traffic shift between LM 24.4 in Warren County through LM 1.0 in DeKalb County. There is a detour in place for Sink Creek Road. Motorists should follow posted signs in the area. The contractor will continue installing concrete box culverts and drainage structures. Grade work, bridge work, and paving operations on the new roadway alignment are ongoing. The contractor is utilizing flagging operations throughout the project in multiple areas for grading operations.

Traffic has also been shifted onto the detour between SR-288 and Old Blue Springs Road for the contractor to complete grade work in the area. There are several traffic shifts in Smithville City Limits from South College Street to the end of the project to allow the contractor to complete work. The speed limit has been reduced to 45 mph in the construction zone.

As for the Highway 70 project between Liberty and Alexandria, TDOT has announced that the contractor, Twin K Construction continues grading activities. Temporary lane closures and/or periodic traffic stoppages will be necessary for construction activities. Motorists should use caution while traveling through the work zone and be aware of construction personnel.

Educators and support staff return to school for system-wide in-service Tuesday, July 26

July 24, 2022
By: Dwayne Page

Educators and support staff will return to school this week in preparation for the start of the new year next week.

A system-wide in-service day will be Tuesday, July 26 and at the individual schools Wednesday and Thursday, July 27 & 28.

Registration for students will be Monday, August 1 and the first full day of school is set for Wednesday, August 3. Tuesday, August 2 will be an administrative day for teachers only.

The 2022-23 school calendar is as follows:

DeKalb County students and teachers will have a full week off for fall break October 17-21, Thanksgiving November 21-25, and spring break March 27-31, and a two week break for Christmas December 21 to January 4. December 20 will be an abbreviated day. Students will return to school after the Christmas holiday on January 5, 2023. Schools will also be closed for Labor Day September 5, Dr. Martin Luther King Day January 16, President’s Day February 20, and Good Friday April 7. The last day of school will be May 24, 2023.

Report cards will be issued at all schools on October 10, January 9, March 14, and May 24.

Parent teacher conferences will be held at DCHS from 3-6 p.m. on October 10 and March 14 and at all the other schools, DWS, NES, SES, and DMS from 3-6 p.m. on October 13 and March 16.

DeKalb Early Voting Turnout on Pace to Eclipse May Primaries

July 24, 2022
By: Dwayne Page

Early voting turnout for the August 4 elections is on pace to eclipse the May primaries in DeKalb County.

As of Saturday, a total of 1,400 have cast ballots during the early voting period from July 15-23 with six days remaining, Monday-Saturday, July 25-30. In May, a total of 3,579 voted in the primaries combined including 1,661 on election day, 1,815 during early voting, and 103 by absentee.

The total turnout through Saturday, July 23 breaks down as follows: 1,400 including 1,339 in person and 61 by absentee. From the total, 1,100 have voted in the Tennessee Republican Primary and 234 in the Tennessee Democratic Primary while 66 have voted only in the General Election without participating in either state primary.

The municipal election total turnout is as follows: Smithville Municipal Election- 394; Alexandria 34, Liberty 21, and Dowelltown 15.

The Saturday only (July 23) turnout was as follows:
Courthouse: 128 total including 124 in person and 4 absentees, 107 (GOP Primary), 15 (Democratic Primary), 6 (General Election Only), 44 (Smithville Municipal Election), 5 (Liberty Municipal Election), 3 (Alexandria Municipal Election), 1 (Dowelltown Municipal Election).

The DeKalb County Election Commission has provided an early voting turnout breakdown (July 15- 23) by precinct as follows:

Alexandria- 79; Temperance Hall-46; Liberty-104; Snow Hill-63; Smithville Church of God-300; Rock Castle-1; Courthouse-282; Johnson Chapel-37; County Complex-168; Keltonburg-71; Blue Springs-51; and Smithville Church of Christ Annex-198: TOTAL 1,400.

The following is the total early voting turnout breakdown (July 15-23) in the Tennessee Republican Primary by precinct:

Alexandria-65; Temperance Hall-35; Liberty-85; Snow Hill-51; Smithville Church of God-230; Rock Castle-0; Courthouse-214; Johnson Chapel-26; County Complex-137; Keltonburg-58; Blue Springs-43; and Smithville Church of Christ Annex-156: TOTAL 1,100.

The following is the total early voting turnout breakdown (July 15-23) in the Tennessee Democratic Primary by precinct:

Alexandria-12; Temperance Hall-9; Liberty-16; Snow Hill-10; Smithville Church of God-46; Rock Castle-1; Courthouse-53; Johnson Chapel-9; County Complex- 25; Keltonburg-11; Blue Springs-7; and Smithville Church of Christ Annex-35: TOTAL 234

Early voting will be Monday through Saturday, July 25-30 as follows: The DeKalb County Courthouse in Smithville: Monday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.; Wednesday 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.; Thursday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. until Noon. Early voting will also be held at the DeKalb County Fairgrounds in Alexandria on Monday, July 25 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. Each early voting site is for any properly registered DeKalb County voter.

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