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Smithville FBC Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

October 15, 2024
By: Bill Conger

A pinata, tamales wrapped in banana leaves, and Southern fried chicken were part of the delicious bounty for the celebration of National Hispanic Heritage month. Smithville First Baptist Church English Language Learners, teachers, and their families gathered together on September 28 for the second special soiree.

“National Hispanic Heritage month is a celebration of the history, cultures, food, art and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Hispanic countries,” explained FBC member Perla Rico, who has played an integral part in the church’s ELL ministry.

“The Celebration allows us to learn more about their culture, and we have a fun time with our students,” ELL Coordinator Kay Quintero said. “As people from various cultures get to know each other, respect and love grows.”

“I saw joy and gratitude from the Hispanic community that participated for the support received and for the interest and love they have for us,” Rico added. “No matter the cultures or the language, there was a fellowship full of harmony.”

“We had tables set up all around the perimeter of the room, and then, the students set up a display area for their home countries,” ELL Teacher Andrea Sams said. “They brought flags, table decor, wore traditional clothing, and cooked foods that were home region specialties and favorites.”

“The food from both countries are similar,” Perla said. “Only the flavors, the seasonings and methods of preparation vary. Mexico is the only Spanish-speaking country where most of the food is spicy. The other Hispanic countries don’t eat spicy. Two sayings of mine are that “A taco without salsa is not a good taco” and “The spicier the food, the better.”

This year the folks from America decided to step up their game for the occasion.

“Last year was the first time we had done the event, and the English instructors were extremely impressed by the effort put in by the students in their decorations, native clothing and food items they prepared,” Sams said. “We even had amazing things like tamales wrapped in banana leaves!

So this year, the instructors decided we needed to do a better job of representing good American Southern cooking and decoration. We pulled out our best patriotic table scape items, including a hand carved wooden Uncle Sam figurine, a stars-and-stripes table runner bought at Betsy Ross’s house in Philadelphia, and a light up “America, Land That I Love” sign, among other things. We also had a great spread of fried chicken, and a wide variety of sides and desserts. We felt much better about our representation this year!”

About 60 people joined in the fun including people from Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras, Panama, and the United States.

“[The celebration] helps break down the communication barriers that may exist due to language, but despite that, we all laugh in the same language, and this event is always full of laughter!” Rico said.

“The goal of the event is to connect with and show appreciation for all the students and the various countries they come from,” Sams explained. “In addition to teaching them English, we really work to tell the students about Jesus and show them God’s love. One of the best ways to build friendship and trust with them is to show interest in and respect for their cultures. This event really helps accomplish this goal, plus we all get the bonus of eating some amazing food!”

Smithville FBC offers ELL classes on Wednesday nights at 6 o’clock, and this year two members travel to Pirtle’s Nursery to teach English to the Hispanic employees after work.

“We had noticed a need for the English classes,” ELL Coordinator Quintero explained. “After several of us prayed a few months, we decided God was leading us to start this. We arranged training through our Tennessee Baptist Mission Board for the first of 2023 and actually started the first class during May 2023.”

Two Arrested on Meth Charges During Traffic Stop

October 15, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

Two people found with methamphetamine during a traffic stop were arrested last month and will make a court appearance on October 24.

22-year-old Deziree Lanore Deters of McMinnville is charged with possession of methamphetamine with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver. She was also cited for a violation of driving on roadways laned for travel and for no insurance. Her bond is $5,000. Meanwhile, 58-year-old Paul Green Cantrell of Old Blue Springs Road, Smithville is charged with possession of drug paraphernalia; fabricating or tampering with evidence; and possession of methamphetamine with intent to manufacture, sell, or deliver. His bond totals $61,500. Both Deters and Cantrell will appear in court on these charges October 24.

Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on September 30 a deputy was patrolling on Short Mountain Highway when he spotted Deters leaving her lane of travel while operating a motor vehicle. He stopped the automobile and spoke with Deters and after she gave him consent to search, the officer found a plastic bag behind the driver’s seat which held a piece of paper containing a crystal-like substance believed to be methamphetamine.

Cantrell, a passenger was asked to exit the vehicle and upon doing so he reached inside his pocket and then threw an item into the grass which turned out to be a clear glass pipe with residue believed to have been used for smoking methamphetamine. Cantrell also held a paper towel but was told to drop it. Inside the paper towel was a crystal-like substance believed to be methamphetamine.

38-year-old Ronald Joshua Carter of Carter Drive, Smithville is charged with unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of drug paraphernalia. His bond is $17,500 and he will be in court October 24. Sheriff Ray said that on October 2 a deputy assisted Tennessee Department of Corrections Probation Officers in a probation search at Carter’s home. While searching the residence, twenty 410 shotgun shells as well as twelve 22 long rifle bullets were found. Carter is a convicted drug felon and is not to have possession of any ammunition. During a search of Carter’s bedroom, officers also found eight used needles, a can with a used cotton ball, and a baggie with an orange powder residue believed to be Fentanyl.

Three other people were arrested in that same probation search. Two of them, 23-year-old Anna Danielle Skelton and 33-year-old Jonathon Allen Knowles both of Carter Drive, Smithville are each charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, and each is under a $2,500 bond. Inside their bedroom, officers found four glass pipes as well as two scales with residue. Sheriff Ray said the partial homeowner told officers that this was the bedroom of both Skelton and Knowles and that no one else had been there and that the door stays locked.

The third defendant, 39-year-old Jay Lee Mullican of Johnson’s Chapel Road, Sparta is charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver. His bond is $52,500 and he will be in court October 24. While searching the residence on Carter Drive, officers found in Mullican’s bedroom a pill bottle with a pink powder and home pressed pills believed to be Fentanyl which with the container weighed 24.90 grams. Also found were two glass pipes with residue, a scale with residue, a box of baggies, a small baggie with a crystal-like residue, torn up pieces of aluminum foil, and four straws with residue. The partial homeowner said Mullican had been allowed to stay in that bedroom.

52-year-old Delvolon Wayne Skelton of Ferrell Road, Smithville is charged with driving on a revoked or suspended license. His bond is $6,000 and he will be in court October 24. Sheriff Ray said that on October 3 a deputy was patrolling Ferrell Road when he spotted Skelton driving a black Chevy S-10. Knowing that Skelton’s license was revoked, the officer confronted him at his residence and confirmed through central dispatch that his license was revoked. He has had three prior charges for the same offense.

49-year-old Kris Douglas Waggoner of Sparta is charged with public intoxication. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court November 7. Sheriff Ray said that on October 5 a deputy was summoned to Felts Road in reference to a man who appeared to be under the influence while at the dump site behind his truck. Upon arrival the officer spoke with the man, Waggoner who was sitting in the bed of his truck. He appeared to be confused and was twitching. When he rose to his feet Waggoner was very unsteady and unable to stand without leaning on his truck. He was then taken into custody.

Dowell Sentenced in Meth Case

October 15, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

One of several people indicted by the grand jury in August following a joint undercover investigation appeared for sentencing in DeKalb County Criminal Court on Monday, October 7.

65-year-old Ricky Lee Dowell, indicted for sale and delivery of a schedule II drug (methamphetamine) over 0.5 grams and sale and delivery of a schedule III drug (Buprenorphine), entered a plea to one count of sale of a schedule III drug and received a four-year sentence on supervised probation under judicial diversion. He was fined $2,000 and given jail credit of 54 days.

The joint undercover drug investigation was conducted over several months by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office, Smithville Police Department, and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation targeting several persons accused of illegally selling narcotics including methamphetamine.

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