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The DeKalb Animal Shelter is seeking a home for “Tom” (View video here)

January 18, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

The DeKalb Animal Shelter has a cat named “Tom” available for adoption.

“Tom is about 8 months old. He has already been neutered and is up to date on his vaccinations. Tom is super friendly and has some beautiful markings down his back and side. He loves people and other cats. Tom is playful and will even get in your lap and give you kisses and hugs. We need to find him a good home preferably one with children because he would love to play with kids,” said Shelter employee Emmaly Bennett.

“We are still open by appointment only. Go to our website // and look for the adoptable pets. You will see Tom’s picture there. Fill out an application and we will call you to set up an appointment to come in and meet him. His adoption fee is only $45 because our Friends organization has sponsored him,” Bennett said.

Meanwhile, if you need pet food for your cats and dogs be sure to stop by the shelter Friday, January 22 from 8 until 12 noon during a food pantry sponsored by the Friends organization. Please stay in your vehicle and someone will bring the food to you.

For more information call 615-597-3647 or send a message on facebook or email.

Steve Repasy Three-Peats as Winner of Top DeKalb Firefighter Award

January 17, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

The 2020 Ascension Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital Volunteer Firefighter of the Year is Steve Repasy, Station Commander of the Midway Station.

Repasy, who also claimed the award in 2018 and 2019, was honored Saturday night during the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department’s Annual Awards Program which was held in a virtual platform this year due to COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Dusty Johnson Three-repeated as the Liberty State Bank Officer of the Year and Lieutenant Blake Cantrell was selected to receive the Allen’s Allstars “Git R Done” Award. The DeKalb Telephone Cooperative (DTC) Rookie of the Year Award went to Jordan Lader of the Johnson’s Chapel Station and the Liberty Station received the FirstBank Station of the Year award.
Wilson Bank & Trust was the headlining sponsor of the banquet.

Repasy’s award was presented by Lieutenant Blake Cantrell.

In making the presentation, Cantrell said Repasy was selected from firefighters demonstrating excellence in training participation, incident response, and community service.

“Steve is willing to take on any project with a positive attitude. Whether it’s a work session, fire prevention/safety event, fundraiser, training, or fire call, you will see him there from start to finish. He does so much work behind the scenes that keeps our department running smoothly. As for his community service, Steve is very active in the Red Cross, the Smithville Lions Club, and Habitat for Humanity. He volunteers his time and skills to build wheelchair ramps, and reading to children at the library. DeKalb County Fire Department attempts to recognize firefighters who reflect a positive image of commitment and sacrifice to the department and our communities,” said Lt. Cantrell.

Walmart Length of Service Awards were presented to the following firefighters:

Five Years: Justin Bass of the Main Station, Lieutenant Blake Cantrell, Aaron Haggard of the Keltonburg Station, and Caleb Haggard of the Short Mountain Station

Ten Years: Andy Pack of the Belk Station

Twenty Years: Captain Jay Cantrell and Anthony Johnson of the Liberty Station

Forty Five Years: Wilson Williams of the Liberty Station

Captain Michael Lawrence presented Safe Industries Training Achievement Awards.

Members achieving 100% training attendance were: Charles Adcock, Brady Anderson, Dan Bradam, Vicki Bradam, Bill Brown, Lt. Blake Cantrell, Joshua Davis, Erick Dodd, Tim Graul, Chief Donny Green, Alyssa Harvey, Andrew Harvey, Donnie Johnson, Lt. Dusty Johnson, Capt. Michael Lawrence, Cindy Nixon, Andy Pack, Shawn Puckett, Brent Reed, Brittany Reed, Steve Repasy, Robert Sartin, Peyton Taylor, Capt. Brian Williams.

Members achieving 75% training attendance were: Matt Adcock, Justin Bass, Asst. Chief Anthony Boyd, Sandra Caffee, Capt. Jay Cantrell, Kim Cantrell, Gelasion “Marco” Chacon, Luke Green, Anthony Johnson, Jordan Lader, Harley Lawrence, Steven Lawrence, Tony Moore, Billy Parker, Cheyenne Phalin, and Stevie Powers.

School Board Appreciation Week January 24-30

January 17, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

January 24-30, 2021, is School Board Appreciation Week in Tennessee. This week helps build awareness and understanding of the vital functions locally elected boards of education play in the community.

The DeKalb County School District is joining public school districts from across the state to celebrate School Board Appreciation Week and honor local board members for their commitment to DeKalb County and its children. “Our school system is the backbone of our community, and these men and women devote countless hours to making sure our schools are helping every child,” said Director of Schools Patrick Cripps.. “There is no greater honor that can be bestowed upon a citizen than membership on a local board of education. They spend countless hours studying the issues and regulations and make the tough decisions when called upon to ensure the type of accountability people expect.”

Cripps said the key work of school boards is to:

• Create a vision for what the community wants the school district to be and for making student achievement the top priority;

• Establish standards for what students will be expected to learn and be able to do;

• Ensure progress is measured to be sure the district’s goals are achieved and students are learning at expected levels;

• Create a safe, orderly climate where students can learn and teachers can teach;

• Form partnerships with others in the community to solve common problems; and

• Focus attention on the need for continuous improvement by questioning, refining and revising issues related to student achievement. “Our local school board impacts every student every day in DeKalb County by influencing the high quality of education that our children and youth receive. The DeKalb County school board shows its commitment to educational excellence and equity – and for that we are very grateful for their attitude of service,” added Director Cripps.

The members serving DeKalb County are as follows: Danny Parkerson, Alan Hayes, Jim Beshearse, Kate Miller, Jamie Cripps, Jason Miller, and Shaun Tubbs.

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