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Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) Signup Deadline Extended

August 17, 2020

The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) signup began on May 26, 2020 and was slated to end on August 28, 2020. However, Secretary Sonny Perdue announced on August 11 the deadline has now been extended to September 11, 2020.

Donny Green, County Executive Director for the DeKalb-Cannon County Farm Service Agency, says that the remaining 20% of the payments for approved CFAP applications were processed Monday, August 17 and those funds should arrive by electronic funds transfer (direct deposit) within 3 business days. To ensure availability of funding, producers with approved applications initially received 80% of their payments. The remaining 20% will be issued automatically for producers who have already received their initial payment. Going forward, producers who apply for CFAP will receive 100% of their total payment, not to exeeed the payment limit, when their applications are approved.

Additionally, the following commodity eligibility changes will affect producers in our counties:1) all sheep are now eligible (previously, only sheep less than two years old were eligible) and, 2) nursery crops are now eligible. Green says the specifics of what information is needed to apply for nursery crops, as well as some defintions of eligible nursery crops, will be provided to nursery producers soon. For more information on the details of the recent changes/corrections to the final rule, visit

If you have commercially-grown crops or livestock and have not signed up, or if you have commodities that were added by this rule change, you should immediately contact the FSA office. The deadline has been extended to September 11, 2020. The application process is very simple and takes less than 10 minutes.

Livestock eligible for CFAP include cattle, sheep, and hogs. Payment will be calculated using the number of livestock sold between January 15 and April 15, 2020, multiplied by the payment rates per head, and the highest number of unsold (on hand) livestock between April 16 and May 14, 2020, multiplied by the payment rate per head. To clarify, both sold and unsold livestock are eligible for payment under this program. There is no minimum number of livestock required to be owned to receive benefits under this program.

Non-specialty crops eligible for CFAP payments include corn and soybeans. Payment will be made based 50% of a producer’s 2019 total production or the 2019 production NOT sold as of January 15, 2020, whichever is smaller, multiplied by 50%, and then multiplied by the commodity’s applicable payment rate. So, if you sold all 2019 crop production, you will not have any eligible production for payment under this program.

USDA Service Centers currently are not permitted to have customers in the building. You can telephone the offie at 615-597-8225, Ext. 2, email the office at, or apply online at

Two Injured in Car Crash with Semi

August 17, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

Two people were transported to the hospital after a crash involving their car and a semi Monday around noon at the intersection of East Broad and South Congress Boulevard.

According to Trooper Bobby Johnson of the Tennessee Highway Patrol, 79 year old Stella Dyer of Smithville, driving a 2002 Nissan Altima, was making a left from the turning lane on Broad Street to head south on Congress Boulevard when she crossed the path of an eastbound 2018 International tractor trailer rig driven by 38 year old Bryan White who was hauling general freight.

Dyer and a passenger of her car, 18 year old Elijah Boyd of Smithville were taken by DeKalb EMS to Ascension Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital. White was not injured.

Members of the Smithville Police and Fire Departments were also on the scene to render assistance.

Local Political Parties Selling Presidential Campaign Merchandise

August 17, 2020

The DeKalb County Democratic Party and the DeKalb County Republican Women’s Club are selling Presidential Merchandise for the 2020 election.

Biden-Harris Merchandise:

•Yard Signs: $5.00
•4ft x 8ft Signs: $40.00
•Hats: $15.00
•Buttons: $4.00
•Bumper Stickers: $3.00
Contact Jordan Wilkins at 615-807-0541

Trump-Pence Merchandise:
•Yard sign:$7.00
•Hat + sign: $15.00
•Trump Flag: $20.00
Contact Mingy Ball at 615-597-2600

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