Deer Archery Hunting Season Opens Saturday, September 22
September 17, 2018
The 2018 deer archery-only hunting season opens statewide in Tennessee on Saturday, Sept. 22. The archery season dates in all five of the state’s deer hunting units are the same. The dates are Sept. 22-Oct. 26 and Oct. 29-Nov. 2.
Tennessee is divided into five deer units for better management, A, B, C, D, and L. The antlerless deer bag limits are four in Units A-D management areas and three per day in Unit L areas. The antlered deer bag limit is a total of two for the entire deer season.
In addition to deer, archers may harvest one bearded turkey during the archery-only deer season in counties that have a fall turkey hunt. Turkeys harvested during the archery-only deer season count toward the fall turkey county bag limits.
The TWRA makes the recommendation that all archery hunters obtain a 2018-19 Tennessee Hunting and Trapping Guide. The guide lists the counties and bag limits for each of the different deer management units. The guides are available where hunting and fishing licenses are sold and on the TWRA website,, and the TWRA app.
Hunters are reminded that they must possess the appropriate licenses and permits. Any hunter born on or after Jan. 1, 1969 is required to carry proof of satisfactory completion of a hunter education class or be in possession of the Apprentice Hunting License (along with other required licenses), while hunting any species in Tennessee.
Chamber Has Ribbon Cutting for Vintage Owl
September 17, 2018
By: Dwayne Page
The Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce had a Ribbon Cutting for new Chamber member, The Vintage Owl located at 109 West Walnut Street in downtown Smithville. Owners are Chase Collins and Michelle King. Operating hours are Thursday to Saturday from 10 AM to 5 PM and Sundays from 12 to 5 PM. Fresh cookies, coffee, and water are there for their customers to enjoy while browsing their store. For more information, check out The Vintage Owl on their FaceBook page, or call Chase at 615-489-3998 or Michelle at 615-390-5698.
DCHS Marching Band Places 4th Overall
September 17, 2018
By: Bill Conger
The DeKalb County High School Marching Band took 4th place overall out of 14 bands at yesterday’s (September 15) band contest in Crossville. Cumberland County High School hosted bands around the region at the 36th Annual Upper Cumberland Marching Band Festival.
“All I ask is that they improve every week,” says Band Director Tracy Luna. “Thus far, they’ve improved every week that they’ve been there and then some. They’ve exceeded my expectations.”
“The awards go 1,2,3,4 with one being the top. Ultimately, we want to get a one, but if we get 2s, we’re satisfied because that means we’re an excellent band, and we’re improving and moving in the right direction.”
Judges award 1s for Superior, 2s for Excellent, 3s for Good and 4s for Fair.
“We want to stay away from the 3s and 4s, but if we get 1s we’ll be super happy,” says Luna. “I think our marching and playing deserved 1s, but … I’m a little bias.”
The band received 1s (Superior) in Visual Performance and Drum Major (Axel Rico scored 3rd Place out of 14).
and 2s (Excellent) in Musical Performance, Percussion, and Color Guard.
“The judges look for overall visual continuity of forms on the field,” Luna explained. “Do the pictures look right? How are their marching intervals between person to person? Are they in step left versus right foot? Also, there’s a music judge that judges musical quality— intonations and articulations and in-tune. Is the band in tune?”
Judges also evaluate the performances of percussion, color guard and drum major.
Next, the band performs the Andrew Lloyd Weber “Phantom of the Opera” music at Friday night’s football game in Cannon County. The ensemble’s next competition is scheduled for September 29th in Trousdale County.
Working with the band besides Tracy Luna, is Assistant Band Director Jonathan Holland, Katie Graham-Color Guard, and Caleb Rowland-Woodwinds and Drum Major.
Luna says a special thank you to all of the band boosters who make our job easier and a great experience for the students!
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