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City to Purchase Golf Course Maintenance Equipment

August 24, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

Almost a year ago, the City of Smithville entered into a one year agreement with RiverWatch Golf & Resort to upgrade and maintain the golf course for a year.

The cost was over $70,000. With the agreement set to expire August 31 and the new owners of RiverWatch having decided to pass on renewing a deal, the aldermen have chosen to purchase golf course maintenance equipment as the city starts taking on the responsibility.

During a special meeting Thursday night, the aldermen voted to purchase a package of equipment from Abell Turf & Tractor of Georgia including mowers, tractor, and blower for $22,750 plus delivery costs to be paid from revenues generated in the city’s golf course fund. Another piece of equipment, a zero turn mower and spreader is expected to be bought from Tri Green Equipment for $10,000 under a state government bid contract to be funded from another line item of the budget, possibly parks and recreation.

Ken Lacy, manager of the golf course and swimming pool, recommended that the aldermen make this purchase as the city takes on the sole responsibility for maintaining the course.

“We can purchase this without having to amend the budget because we have enough money allotted in the golf course budget to buy equipment. We put money in the budget to cover RiverWatch before we knew they were not going to renew their contract and we have accumulated revenue in that fund from Golf Course receipts since April. That is enough to cover our equipment for the city to take over the golf course,” said City Administrator Hunter Hendrixson.

After the special meeting, Lacy informed the aldermen that the city swimming pool is in need of repairs to stop leaks. Lacy has contacted a company which is offering a performance contract to come and check the pool for leaks. According to Lacy, the company will review and diagnose the problem and provide an estimate on the repair costs.

Shiroki North America Participates in Weight Loss Challenge

August 24, 2018

Employees at Shiroki North America recently participated in a 12 week worksite wellness challenge with the DeKalb County Health Department. During the 12 week challenge, employees learned about healthy eating, managing stress and learning how to enjoy their food, while eating less. Twenty-eight employees participated in this challenge and lost over 130 pounds as a group, with the top male and female receiving prizes for their efforts.

By taking on this challenge, Shiroki North America is encouraging their employees to live healthy and happy lives. This is the first year Shiroki has partnered with the DeKalb County Health Department to sponsor a worksite wellness challenge. DCHD Staff would like to congratulate everyone who participated.

If you have questions about the worksite wellness program or are interested in hosting your own, call the DeKalb County Health Department at 615-597-7599.

New Smithville Mayor and Aldermen-Elect to Take Oath of Office Friday, August 31

August 24, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

The City of Smithville will have a new mayor starting next Saturday, September 1.

Josh Miller, who has served as alderman since 2013, will be sworn into office as mayor on Friday, August 31 at 4 p.m. at city hall.

Miller defeated incumbent Mayor Jimmy W. Poss on Thursday, August 2. Mayor Poss was first elected to a two year term in 2012 and then to a four year term in 2014.

Meanwhile Aldermen-elect Gayla Hendrix and Brandon Cox, who were elected unopposed on August 2 will also be sworn into office next Friday, August 31.

Cox, a local attorney, is a political newcomer. Hendrix, an incumbent alderman and attorney, will begin a new term.

The terms of the Mayor and Aldermen are four years.

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