Public Asked for Donations to Replace Stolen Bronze Stars from Veterans Monument
May 29, 2018
By: Dwayne Page
A fundraising effort is underway to replace six bronze stars stolen off the veteran’s memorial monument at Green Brook Park last fall.
The public is asked to support the fundraiser. According to spokesperson Joyce Poss, it will take approximately $1,200 to $1,500 to replace the bronze stars.
“I need names of those wishing to make a pledge and the amount you are willing to pledge. If we get enough pledges, the city will take care of getting the bronze stars ordered. All I need at this time is input and help getting this done. Any amount you can give will be appreciated,” said Poss.
Call 615-597-5164 and leave a message including your name and telephone number and Joyce will return your call.
An off duty city employee discovered the theft last September.
According to City Public Works Director Kevin Robinson, the employee was in the park and noticed that the stars were missing from the monument. Its not known exactly when the theft occurred. City officials believe whoever committed the theft used a pry bar to remove the stars .
The monument and two cannons, once located on the grounds of the former VFW Howard Gill Post 7623 on the Sparta Highway, were relocated to Green Brook Park after the Post was closed three years ago. The six sided monument stands in tribute to those from DeKalb County who lost their lives during the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and Iraqi Freedom.
Smithville Police Chief Mark Collins said the Police Department is seeking tips from the public. If you have information that may help solve the crime contact Crime Stoppers at 615-464-6199
Franklin Praises Defenders of Freedom (VIEW VIDEO HERE)
May 28, 2018
By: Dwayne Page
Vietnam Veteran and former TWRA officer Ben Franklin honored fallen soldiers and those still living who carry the scars of combat during his remarks at Monday’s Memorial Day observance at the county complex.
Franklin praised those who laid down their lives for this country, saying they did it to preserve the Constitution and the freedoms it stands for. It is because of them, Franklin said that we get to enjoy the Liberty we have today.
“I have been to 17 foreign countries but there is no place like the USA. We have more freedom than anybody anywhere, “ he said.
In today’s society, Franklin said many have a misplaced view of heroism.
M2U02761 from dwayne page on Vimeo.
“In my opinion they have a misguided perception of heroes. Most of them think they are people who can run fast or throw and catch a ball. Those who run up to each other and bump their chests and throw high fives. My idea of a hero is a 19 or 20 year old with a gun 6,000 miles away from home in Afghanistan or Iraq who doesn’t know who his enemy is. That is my idea of a hero,” he added.
Franklin admonished the audience to always remember those who served, both fallen soldiers and living veterans, as well as their families; those who treated wounded warriors during combat; POW’s and MIA’s; and the veterans who committed suicide due to the horrors of war after they returned home.
He also encouraged people to always exercise their privilege of voting and support candidates who will stand for the Constitution and “won’t take our freedoms away”, said Franklin.
Choking back emotion, Franklin closed his remarks by saying “God Bless the families of the soldiers who have died for this country. God Bless the Veterans and the Military soldiers who are serving today and God Bless America”.
Grateful Community Remembers Fallen Soldiers (VIEW VIDEOS HERE)
May 28, 2018
By: Dwayne Page
Members of a grateful community gathered this morning (Memorial Day) at the county complex to honor and thank all who have served our nation and given their all for the freedoms we enjoy.
Former TWRA officer and Vietnam Veteran Ben Franklin was the guest speaker
The annual ceremony was sponsored by the American Legion Post #122 and moderated by Commander William Edmonds. Mary Lynn Page played patriotic songs on the piano prior to the start of the program.
Members of the Boy Scout Troop #347 presented the flags and led the audience in the pledge to the flag. Erica Birmingham performed the National Anthem and local minster Larry Green offered the invocation.
Judy Redmon of the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary recognized Gold Star Mothers and called for a moment of silence in memory of all service men and women who have paid the ultimate price for their country.
After Mr. Franklin’s speech, Ronnie Redmon, Post Adjutant of the American Legion Post #122, adjourned the program at the complex after which attendees were asked to gather at the veteran’s memorial monument at the courthouse for the laying of a wreath and taps by DCHS band student Josh Moon. Local veteran Don Rigsby gave the benediction
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