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County Commission Votes Pay Raise for Full-Time EMS Staff (View video here)

December 21, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

Full time DeKalb EMS personnel are getting a pay raise to start the new year

During Monday night’s regular monthly meeting, the county commission approved a recommendation from the health, education, and public welfare committee to increase the pay of full-time ambulance service personnel by $3.00 per hour and to adopt a budget amendment of $72,975 from the general fund balance to pay for it through the rest of the fiscal year, January 1-June 30.

The ambulance service is budgeted for 20 full time positions but there are currently only 13 on staff. Director Hoyte Hale said it has been difficult to retain and attract full time employees because the DeKalb EMS is not pay competitive with surrounding counties. Hale said this increase in pay will help.

The pay raise will be applied to the EMS wage scale which tops out with 20 years of service.

DeKalb EMS staffs 2–24-hour trucks and a day truck Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. EMS staff operate on a 24/72 schedule meaning they work 24 hours on duty and 72 hours off duty.

Second District Commissioner Myron Rhody made a motion to approve the $3.00 per hour pay raise and adopt the budget amendment and First District Commissioner Julie Young offered a second to the motion.

Fifth District Commissioner Jerry Adcock said while he does not oppose a pay raise, he doesn’t think how it is being applied is fair to EMS staff with more seniority and he tried to table the motion.

“I would like to make a motion that we table this. It’s not fair for somebody who has been working for EMS 10 to 15 years with advanced studies to get the same $3.00 per hour raise as the person who has been there a year or two. Why not give those up higher (more seniority) more than $3.00 per hour and give those below (less seniority) less than $3.00 more per hour. We should sit down as a commission or committee and work on this and not do it as a knee jerk reaction thing and make any raise we give retroactive to the first of the year,” said Adcock.

“We already have a step increase (EMS wage scale) so the more years and education you have the better your pay is but it’s probably not enough. The upper group probably needs a little more pay but there are pay raise step increases for them,” said Commissioner Rhody.

Seventh District Commissioner Bruce Malone asked if an additional $3.00 per hour would be enough to keep current ambulance service employees from leaving for better paying EMS jobs.

“Is it enough? Will ambulance service employees be willing to stay for $3.00 per hour more? Is this a band aid? Will we be back here again in two months (to revisit this)? I think our ambulance employees are underpaid based on what was presented to me (by EMS Director Hoyte Hale) Thursday night (during a committee of the whole county commission meeting),” said Commissioner Malone.

“This is the first step to make sure we can hire new EMTs and hold onto the EMTs we have now,” added Fifth District Commissioner Anita Puckett. “The issue of disparity in pay for the more skilled EMS staff can be brought before the budget committee next spring but this ($3.00 per hour raise) will get the lowest paid EMT employee within range of what those are getting paid in surrounding counties,” she said.

The pay raise and budget amendment were approved on a 10-1-1 vote. Fifth District Commissioner Jerry Adcock voted against it based on his claim of unfairness and Sixth District Commissioner Matt Adcock abstained because he is employed by the ambulance service and has a conflict of interest. Two members were absent.

Man Wanted by Law Enforcement Officers Remains Missing After Fleeing the Scene of Friday Crash

December 17, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

Have you seen 29-year-old Matthew Braswell?

Local and state authorities have been looking for Braswell since he fled into the woods after a crash on Ponder Road Friday morning. His whereabouts remain unknown.

When he is found Braswell will have some explaining to do to law enforcement officers.

According to Trooper Bobby Johnson of the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Braswell was a passenger of a 2006 Chevy Tahoe, driven by 26-year-old Danny Phillips of McMinnville when they were spotted by a resident going through the mail of his mailbox on Ponder Road.

As the resident came out of his home to confront them, the truck sped away but then went out of control and struck several trees at the edge of the road. The two men then bailed out of the truck and fled into the woods. Phillips was quickly captured but Braswell got away and hasn’t been seen since. Even Braswell’s girlfriend claims she has not heard from him. Phillips was transported by DeKalb EMS to Ascension Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital and later taken to Vanderbilt Medical Center where he remains hospitalized.

Local and state authorities including members of the Smith County Sheriff’s Department’s K-9 unit conducted a ground search for Braswell Friday but to no avail. A THP helicopter flight crew was summoned Monday to join the effort with an aerial search but there was no sign of Braswell other than his white and gray jacket, which was found in the woods about a half mile from the crash site.

Authorities are concerned about Braswell’s condition fearing that he might still be out there in the woods somewhere with serious injuries from the wreck. He was last seen wearing blue jeans and possibly a white tank top shirt. He stands six feet tall and weighs 150 pounds. His hair is brown in color, and he has facial tattoes. His last known address is Lebanon.

If you have seen Braswell or know of his whereabouts call the Tennessee Highway Patrol at 423-954-2130.

(UPDATE) Thirty Two Issued Petitions for 2022 County Primaries

December 21, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

A total of 32 persons interested in running for county offices in either the May 3, 2022 DeKalb County Democratic or Republican Primary have picked up qualifying petitions from the election commission

According to the election commission office, the following persons have been issued petitions this week.

Republican Primary:
Danny Lynn Hale- Road Supervisor (Incumbent)
Thomas E. “Tom” Chandler- County Commissioner, District 1
Sean D. Driver-Trustee (Incumbent)
Gregory S. “Greg” Mattthews, County Commissioner, District 4
Justin Douglas Adcock, County Commissioner, District 6
Joshua E. Holloway, County Commissioner, District 5
Larry L. Green- County Commissioner, District 5
James L. “Jimmy” Poss- County Clerk (Incumbent)
Matthew N. “Matt” Adcock- County Mayor
Mingy Kay Ball- General Sessions Court Judge
Brandon J. Cox- General Sessions Court Judge
Daniel A. Seber- Register of Deeds
Patrick R. Ray- Sheriff (Incumbent)
Keneth Lee Whitehead-Sheriff
James David “Jim” Pearson- County Commissioner, District 2
Tony L. “Cully” Culwell-County Commissioner, District 4
Boyd Bruce Malone-County Commissioner, District 7 (Incumbent)
Trevin Merriman-County Commissioner, District 7

Democratic Primary
Jeffery K. “Jeff” Barnes-County Commissioner, District 6 (Incumbent)
Julie Ann Young-County Commissioner, District 1 (Incumbent)
Janice. M. Fish Stewart-County Commissioner, District 4 (Incumbent)
Robert D. (Danny) Parkerson, Jr.- School Board, District 1 (Incumbent)
Wayne Shehane- Road Supervisor
Mike Foster- County Mayor
James Waylon Kyle- County Commissioner, District 1
Tecia Puckett Pryor-General Sessions Court Judge
Shelby D. Reeder- Register of Deeds
Billy Myron Rhody-County Commissioner, District 2 (Incumbent)
Jack E. Barton, III-County Commissioner, District 3
Susannah Cripps Daughtry- County Commissioner, District 3 (Incumbent)
Jenny A. Trapp- County Commissioner, District 3 (Incumbent)
Mary Elizabeth “Beth” Pafford- County Commissioner, District 7 (Incumbent)

Offices on the May primary ballots include: County Mayor; Road Supervisor; Sheriff, General Sessions Judge; Circuit Court Clerk; County Clerk; Trustee; Register of Deeds; County Commissioner in all seven (7) districts (2 can be nominated per district); School Board members in districts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7; Constable in District 4 to fill a vacancy; Circuit Court Judge Part I and Part II (13th Judicial District); Chancellor (13th Judicial District); Criminal Court Judge Part I and Part II (13th Judicial District); District Attorney General (13th Judicial District); and Public Defender (13th Judicial District).

Petitions must be returned by Noon February 17th.

There is an additional earlier deadline for Sheriff and Road Supervisor candidates. They must have appropriate paperwork to the Peace Officer Standards Training Commission (POST) for sheriff and the Tennessee Highway Officials Certification board 14 days before the qualifying deadline.

While the above offices will appear on May primary ballots, candidates also have the option to run as Independent candidates who will not appear on the ballot until August. However, the same qualifying deadlines apply.

Winners of the May primaries will square off against each other in the August DeKalb County General Election along with any properly qualified Independent candidates.

The local election office is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and is located on the first floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse.

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