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Board of Education to Act on Renewal of CEP Free Meal Program for Students

June 9, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

For the last four years the DeKalb County School District has participated in a plan under the National School Lunch Program to provide free meals at school to all students.

During Thursday night’s monthly meeting, the Board of Education will decide whether to seek continued participation in the program.

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a non-pricing meal service option for schools and school districts in low-income areas. CEP allows the nation’s highest poverty schools and districts to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications. Instead, schools that adopt CEP are reimbursed using a formula based on the percentage of students categorically eligible for free meals based on their participation in other specific means-tested programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

According to local data, the DeKalb County School District has maintained a 10% increase in the percentage of students who eat both breakfast and lunch district wide since it began participating in the CEP program in 2015-16. On average, 1,300 breakfasts and 2.300 lunches a day have been served.

Over the course of four years, more than 2.2 million meals have been served for free saving parents an estimated $750,000.

However, unless the school district can increase its number of “identified students” participating going forward, it could receive less reimbursement funds through the program. Under CEP, the higher the number of identified students, the higher the school district’s reimbursement per meal.

During the original cycle, the district reported 1,435 identified students with an attendance of 2,824. For the new cycle, the number of identified students has dropped to 1,224 with an attendance of 2,807 as of April 1.

According to school administrators, the DeKalb School District’s original average reimbursement per meal was $2.82 for lunch and $1.79 for breakfast. If the district applies for renewal the reimbursement could drop to $2.50 for lunch and $1.61 for breakfast. These number are approximate but it could mean a decrease in funding to the district of up to $160,000 for the year.

In order to continue the CEP program based on these numbers, the district would have to make up the loss by either implementing a grab and go breakfast service county-wide which could potentially add $90,000 in reimbursements or switch to a Department of Human Service Program serving Afterschool Snacks and Summer Foods which could mean an additional $80,000 in reimbursements.

The Board of Education will meet Thursday, June 13 at 7 p.m. at the Ernest Ray Education Center. A work session will be held prior to the meeting at 6 p.m.

In other business, the Board will consider and act on outsourcing its school custodial service in a janitorial partnership with SMS.

The Board will consider adopting the school calendars for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years.

The agenda also calls for the Board to act on granting tenure to eligible teachers; consider and act on a differentiated pay plan for 2019-20; consider final approval of the 2019-20 budget; consider and act on a resolution and inter-local cooperation agreement; consider and act on board member exemptions for the 2018-19 school board academy; and the Director of Schools will give his monthly report on personnel plus any other business that may properly come before the Board.

The consent agenda is as follows:

*Authorization to make necessary line item transfers within the categories of the 2018-19 school budget and any category amendments.

*Consider and act on approval of local government hardware maintenance agreement

*Consider and act on 2019 Read to be Ready Summer Grant Budget Amendment

*Consider and act on 2018-19 Pre-K Budget Amendment

*Consider and act on the Carl Perkins Budget Amendment

*Consider and act on a Special Education contract with Brenda Pedigo, Visually Impaired Teacher

*Consider and act on a Special Education contract with Kealah Curtis, Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant

*Consider and act on a Special Education contract with Karen Nelson, Orientation and Mobility

*Consider and act on DeKalb Middle Cheer Camp, June 20-22

*Consider and act on Consolidated Federal Application Federal Programs & IDEA 2019-20

*Consider and act on declaring Surplus Property (Technology and Food Service)

*Consider and act on 21st Century Budget Amendment

*Consider and act on LEAP’s Budget Amendment

*Consider and act on additional Course Offering at DCHS

*Consider and act on Memorandum of Understanding with Tamara L. Beckman, Audit of Internal School Funds

*Consider and act on an overnight trip request for DCHS Soccer to attend the FHU Soccer Camp, Freed Hardeman University, Henderson, TN June 16-20

Thousands of Dollars Raised for Cameron Miller During Invitational Soccer Tournament (VIEW VIDEO HERE)

June 8, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

Twelve soccer teams took to the field Saturday at Northside Elementary School to help raise funds for 14 year old Cameron Miller, a soon to be high school freshman, who is fighting leukemia and searching for a donor to allow him to undergo a bone marrow transplant.

The Cameron Miller Invitational Soccer Tournament, organized by Cameron’s DeKalb Middle School Soccer Coach Justin Nokes, April Coronado, and the Center Hill Soccer Club  generated thousands of dollars for Cameron and heightened awareness about the need for bone marrow donors.

Cameron was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on April 5 and has been in treatment at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital receiving Chemotherapy. Although he is out of the hospital now, Cameron will soon be undergoing more therapy.

Joined by his parents, Billy and Kate Miller and brother Bill Miller, Cameron was on hand for the benefit soccer tournament Saturday.

“Cameron has been in and out of the hospital since being diagnosed but he is doing very well and is in good spirits. He is looking for a bone marrow transplant and we are trying to raise awareness for that. We have had a bone marrow match going on today called “Be the Match” to get people to register in becoming a donor,” said Cameron’s father Billy Miller.

“The next step he will go through is Car T cell treatment and then a bone marrow transplant. Hopefully that will be the end of it. Cameron has a way to go and he has some time to do in the hospital at Vanderbilt but hopefully in the next three or four months he will be through this thing and rid of it and back on the right track. With the help of everybody and the good Lord he is going to be okay,” said Billy.

“We just can’t express how much we love our community and how grateful we are to live in Smithville and all the support that has been shown from the school system, our friends and family, and our soccer family. It’s just been very overwhelming and we really appreciate all the support,” said Kate Miller.

“This is a very nice tournament and we really appreciate them putting it on. I think it’s good for our small town. We’ve been shown great support and small town love here and we’re very grateful for the community we live in and the people we are around. Thank you so much,” added Billy Miller.

You could hold the key to a life saving cure. For patients with blood cancers and other blood diseases, a donation of blood stem cells from a genetically matched donor can be a cure.
Donation is safe, free, and confidential.

Be the match. Learn how you can save a life at http://Join.BeTheMatch.org/Camo

DeKalb Health Department to Host Immunization Clinic For Students June 11

June 8, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

Summer has arrived and kids don’t have starting back to school on their minds but it is important for parents and caregivers to make sure students receive their required immunizations before returning to the classroom in August.

The DeKalb County Health Department will be hosting a Kindergarten and 7th grade Immunization Clinic. The clinic will be on Tuesday, June 11, from 4:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. at the Health Department. No appointment is needed. Parent/Caregiver must bring all immunization records and insurance card. Help make sure your child is ready for Kindergarten or 7th grade.

“We want Tennessee children to be in school, learning in a safe and healthy environment, so it’s extremely important students are vaccinated against diseases that can spread easily in the classroom or elsewhere,” said TDH Chief Medical Officer David Reagan. “I encourage parents and caregivers to protect their students, their families and those around them by getting the vaccines they need to stay healthy.”

In Tennessee, children enrolling in school for the first time and all children going into seventh grade must provide schools with a state immunization certificate before classes start as proof they have had all the required immunizations. Additional immunizations are required for students at Tennessee colleges and universities.

“We strongly urge parents to be sure their children receive all recommended vaccines on the immunization schedule. Certain vaccines are also required for school because they help keep children safe in the classroom and on the playground,” said Kelly Moore, MD, MPH, director of the Tennessee Immunization Program. “Take this opportunity to talk with your health care provider to be sure your child is fully immunized, and make appointments now so your child won’t miss school because he or she hasn’t had needed vaccines.”

Requirements for school vaccinations in Tennessee:

•Kindergarteners and other children enrolling in a Tennessee school for the first time must provide schools with a complete, official Tennessee Immunization Certificate before classes begin. The certificate must be signed by a qualified health care provider or verified by the state’s Immunization Information System

•All current students entering seventh grade are required to give the school a limited official Tennessee Immunization Certificate showing they have had a booster shot for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. The HPV cancer vaccine and first meningococcal meningitis vaccine are recommended at this age and can be given at the same time as the required Tdap booster.

•Immunization requirements for college entry vary by institution, but teens who have had all recommended vaccines including their meningitis booster shot after they turn 16 will be sure to have met any college’s requirements.Immunizations required for school are readily available from most health care providers across the state, including county health departments. Children younger than age 19 may be eligible for free vaccine if they have no insurance, are enrolled in TennCare, have private insurance that does not cover vaccines or are American Indian or Alaska Native. The complete list of Tennessee child care and school immunization requirements can be found at www.tn.gov/health/cedep/immunization-program/ip/immunization-requirements/childcare-12thgrade-immunization-requirements.html. Local schools and school districts can provide information about when and how immunization certificates need to be provided.

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