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County to Post 35 MPH Speed Limit on Tramel Branch Road

November 26, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

Motorists on Tramel Branch Road near Alexandria will now have to watch their speed.

During Monday night’s monthly meeting, the county commission voted to establish a 35 mile per hour speed limit on the road and to have signs posted to warn the public.

Under state law, the speed limit on any county road is 55 miles per hour unless the county commission acts to change it.

First District Commissioner Dennis Slager said Tramel Branch Road needs a posted speed limit.

“Its state law that the speed limit is 55 miles per hour and right now if the sheriff sees someone going 50-55 miles per hour he has no right to stop them I don’t care how dangerous that road is. We had an accident on that road this morning involving two vehicles. This is a safety issue,” said Slager.

Others suggested that the move could set a precedent without sufficient manpower to enforce it.

“If we start this its going to be more and more people coming and asking for street signs. It is something we have seen in the past. The sheriff’s department does not have the manpower to enforce this,” said  5th District Commissioner Anita Puckett.

“But that is true of every road in DeKalb County,” answered 5th District Commissioner Jerry Adcock.

“Maybe posting a sign would be a deterrent if somebody sees it. We realize we don’t have the manpower. The state of Tennessee doesn’t necessarily have the manpower on all the state roads,” said County Mayor Tim Stribling.

“I understand what is being said but also by not having a sign they (motorists) have a right to travel 55 miles per hour and nobody can legally do anything about it. That is what we are trying to establish. I move we pass this for a safety issue. I understand the concern for other roads as (7th District Commissioner) Bruce Malone has suggested and maybe we can take that up at a later time but tonight I would ask passage of a posted speed limit for this particular road,” said Commissioner Slager.

Seventh District Commissioner Beth Pafford moved to table Slager’s motion to give the commission more time to consider other options. “I am not opposed to safety but I would like to table this to talk about it some more. Is there a sign there (Tramel Branch Road) that says “Road Narrows” or “Sharp Curve Ahead”? she asked.

“I’m not familiar with what signs are there other than “Children at Play,” said County Mayor Stribling.

With eight votes needed, the vote to table failed 7 to 6. Commissioners voting to table were Beth Pafford, Anita Puckett, Bruce Malone, Jeff Barnes, Matt Adcock, and Sabrina Farler.

Those voting against tabling Slager’s motion were Julie Young, Dennis Slager, Myron Rhody, Bobby Johnson, Jenny Trapp, Dr. Scott Little, and Jerry Adcock.

After the motion to table failed, Slager’s motion to post the 35 mile per hour speed limit on Tramel Branch Road passed 11-2. The only members voting no were 6th District Commissioners Jeff Barnes and Matt Adcock. Fourth District Commissioner Janice Fish Stewart was absent.

DCHS Unveils Honor Wall Paying Tribute to Graduates and Alumni in the Military

November 25, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

DeKalb County High School now has a special place to pay tribute to graduates and alumni in the military.

Funded by a $500 Hometown Help grant through Middle Tennessee Natural Gas, a Military Honor Wall now graces the halls of DCHS thanks to the efforts of the Climate Crew and Mrs. Lisa Craig who volunteered to write the grant application.

“The Climate Crew worked with the maintenance department to get the wall completed and we now have engraved plates to honor the DCHS alumni that have served or are currently serving in the military,” said Sara Young, DCHS Climate Crew sponsor.

“If you would like to add your name or the name of a loved one to the military wall, the cost is $5 cash. You may bring it to the high school and pay Mrs. Jamie Cripps, Mrs. Sara Young, or Coach Thomas Cagle. We need the name, graduation year, and branch of the military they served or are serving in. We will add current students to the Honor Wall as they enlist,” said Young.

Home Dedication Held for Anderson Family

November 25, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation held a home dedication ceremony for Caitlin Anderson and daughter Lilly Grace at 155 Evergreen Lane, Smithville this morning (Monday).

The Tunnel to Towers Gold Star Family Home Program honors the legacy of those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. The Foundation provides mortgage-free homes to surviving families with young children.

Army PFC Billy Anderson lost his life in Afghanistan on May 17, 2010, leaving behind his young wife Caitlin and 8 month old daughter Lilly Grace who is now 10 years old.

PFC Anderson enlisted in the US Army in June of 2009, and deployed to Afghanistan six months later. He was assigned to the 508th Special Troops Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division. On May 17, 2010, with two months left on his deployment, PFC Anderson was killed when insurgents attacked his unit with improvised explosive devices. He was just 20 years of age.

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