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Election Commission to Begin Issuing Petitions Monday for March Primary

October 11, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

Persons interested in running for Assessor of Property and Constable in the DeKalb County Democratic Primary in March may pick up a qualifying petition from the Election Commission Office starting Monday, October 14.

Local primaries will be held in conjunction with the Presidential Preference Primary on March 3.

“The DeKalb County Democratic Party will hold a primary for the office of Assessor of Property and Constable in all seven districts,” said Dennis Stanley, Administrator of Elections. “The Republican Party will select their nominees for those offices by caucus.” In addition, both local parties will hold a primary for the office of Criminal Court Judge Part II in the 13th Judicial District.

“I understand it can be a little confusing to the voters and candidates,” Stanley said, “but in simple terms Democratic candidates for Assessor of Property, Constable and Circuit Court Judge must qualify by petition and they will be available beginning October 14. Republican candidates for Circuit Court Judge only must qualify by petition. The other offices are chosen by another party method.”

He also reminded potential Independent candidates that they must qualify by the petition process and can obtain a petition beginning at the same time, even though they would not appear on the ballot until August.

Here are the key dates for the March 3, 2020 election:

First day to pick up petitions—October 14

Qualifying deadline—Noon December 12

Voter registration deadline—February 3, 2020

Early Voting period—Feb. 12 through February 25, 2020

The election office also reminds voters about the rules regarding Absentee voting.

To vote absentee by mail, the voter must make the request in writing and include their name (as registered), social security number, date of birth, residential address, mailing address (if different), the election(s) in which they wish to vote in and political preference if voting in a primary, the reason they are requesting to vote absentee and their signature.

“We will accept written requests for an absentee ballot by mail, fax or email beginning December 4 through February 25,” Stanley said. “All absentee ballots must be returned by mail.”

For more information about the upcoming election call the local election office at 615-597-4146 or log on to


Class of 2020 at DCHS to Graduate Friday, May 15

October 11, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

The Class of 2020 at DeKalb County High School will graduate on Friday, May 15 at 7 p.m. at the DCHS football field.

The Board of Education set the date during its regular monthly meeting Thursday night at the Ernest Ray Education Center.

Director of Schools Patrick Cripps also updated the board on personnel moves since the last meeting.

Those granted a leave of absence as requested are Justin Nokes, Macy Nokes, and Ashlee Thomason.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held Tuesday, October 15 from 3-6 p.m. at DeKalb County High School and Thursday, October 17 from 3-6 p.m. at DeKalb Middle School, DeKalb West School, Smithville Elementary, and Northside Elementary School. Schools will be closed for Fall Break Monday through Friday, October 21-25.

DeKalb County Job Fair Set for Tuesday, October 15

October 11, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

As the United Auto Workers’ strike against General Motors continues,  the affect of lay-offs is being felt across the country including Tennessee and locally.

To assist those looking for work, the American Job Center of Tennessee will be hosting a Job Fair on Tuesday, October 15 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the History Room of the DeKalb County Complex at 712 South Congress Boulevard, Smithville.

Local employers in cooperation with the American Job Center, the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development, and DeKalb County and Smithville local Governments will be participating. Technology support will also be available from the Mobile Career Coach for online applications.

“Due to the recent GM strike production orders at several local automotive manufacturers have declined significantly. Unfortunately this is resulting in the laying off of numerous employees from these plants. This hiring event is being held in the hopes of mitigating the impact on the affected workers and their families while also benefitting local businesses in need of filling open positions with proven individuals,” said Jimmie Simpson, Local Veterans’ Employment Representative of the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

If your company would like to participate, please reply to Jimmie Simpson, LVER, TN Dept of Labor and Workforce Development as soon as possible to reserve space.

Phone: 931-520-9523 or Email:

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