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DCHS Tiger Basketball Senior Tanner Poss Honored as Member of 1,000 Point Club

February 8, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

DCHS Tiger basketball player Tanner Poss has joined the 1,000 point club.

The senior was honored between games Thursday night for scoring 1,000 points in his high school career. Poss actually achieved that milestone last season as a junior at Macon County on February 8, 2018 but he was not formally recognized at that time.

Poss was sidelined for part of this season due to an injury. He has been back on the court for the last few weeks.

During a team pre-game meal prior to Thursday night’s games, Poss was presented a cake in honor of his athletic accomplishments.

Assessor Reminds Property Owners of Important Deadline

February 7, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

DeKalb County Assessor of Property Shannon Cantrell reminds you that March 1 is an important date for business owners and applicants of the Greenbelt Program.

“March 1 is the deadline for two different things coming out of the Assessor’s Office. One is the Greenbelt application. If you don’t have your form turned in by March 1 then you won’t be able to qualify for the savings for the 2019 tax year,” said Cantrell.

“If you are already enrolled in the greenbelt program you do not have to reapply. However, if you have purchased property or have added acreage to your farm within the last year and seek to enroll in the greenbelt program then you need to apply by March 1 in order to get the 2019 savings,” Cantrell said.

“Basic requirements for the Greenbelt application are that you must own a minimum of fifteen acres and are able to produce some kind of agriculture product to the gross amount of $1,500 per year. Also if you own fifteen acres and you don’t have an agriculture product and its all forestry you can get a forestry plan and qualify that way”.

“March 1 is also the deadline for personal property schedules. Anyone who owns a business needs to have those turned in by March 1. If you don’t turn one in at all or its not turned in by March 1 there are penalties after March 1. We want you to avoid those penalties if possible,” said Assessor Cantrell.

City Applies for CDBG Grant To Rehab Sewer Lines

February 7, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

The City of Smithville is making application for a $525,000 Community Development Block Grant to upgrade sewer lines.

The aldermen adopted a resolution authorizing the grant application Monday night. Funding is available under the CDBG Water/Sewer category including the three-star bonus administered by the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development.

For years the city has had issues with excessive surface water entering the waste water treatment plant through porous sewer lines especially during heavy rains.

If approved, this grant, with a local match from the city, will help fund improvements to the existing wastewater system lines. The Upper Cumberland Development District will be the grant administrator for the city.

Two years ago work was completed on a $2.8 million upgrade at the Smithville Waste Water Treatment Plant partly funded with a CDBG grant but mostly with city reserves.

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