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Reopening guidelines set for DeKalb/Smithville Senior Citizens Center

May 16, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

Reopening guidelines will be observed for the DeKalb/Smithville Senior Citizens Center starting Monday, May 17.

The center is located at 718 South Congress Boulevard, Smithville.

Senior citizens and visitors are asked to please follow the guidelines.

Upon arrival each day, staff will screen all who enter the premises using the following standard questions set forth by the State of Tennessee:

*Have you been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or experiencing any symptoms within the last 14 days?

*Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?

*Have you had a new loss of taste or smell?

*Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours
All employees, volunteers, and participants will undergo a temperature screen upon arrival each day with a no-touch thermometer.

Normal temperatures should not exceed 100.4 degrees F.

You must sanitize your hands.

Anyone who exhibits COVID-19 symptoms or answers “yes” to questions will be asked to leave the premises and seek medical care.

Safe distances must be observed and please do not pick up or touch items.

Masks are still required for employees and volunteers.

Masks are not required but are suggested for visitors and participants if you have not been vaccinated.

There will be no pot luck or congregate meals. No food can be shared and must be consumed at designated tables using only throw away products.

No beverages will be available at the center but participants may bring in water, soft drinks, etc. but drinks brought in must be in containers with lids.

Activities such as bingo, cards, or volleyball will only be once a week with the same group playing together on a pre-set day and time.

Only two persons should be in the bathroom at a time and washing of hands is required before you exit.

Please call the Senior Center at 615-597-7575 to register for any activity as there will be a limit on the number of persons in each activity room.


McMinnville Woman Injured in Early Thursday Morning Crash

May 16, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

A McMinnville woman was injured in an early morning crash Thursday.

According to Trooper Bobby Johnson of the Tennessee Highway Patrol, 28 year old Leticia Guerra of McMinnville was traveling east in a 2003 Ford Explorer on Highway 70 east at Clyde Moore Road when she crossed the center line and ran off the left side of the roadway striking a ditch. Guerra’s vehicle then continued down a steep embankment striking several small trees coming to final rest at the bottom of the embankment. Due to a leg injury, The rescue squad responded to carry Ms. Guerra up the embankment. She was transported by ambulance to Ascension Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital.

Charges are pending.

Family Medical Center is closing its Alexandria Clinic May 31

May 16, 2021
By: Dwayne Page

After many years serving especially the western portion of DeKalb County, the Family Medical Center has announced that its Alexandria Clinic will be closing as of May 31.

All records will be moved to the Smithville Office of the Family Medical Center at 302 North Congress Boulevard Smithville

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