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Beginning of School Year Enrollment District Wide Continues to Decline

August 15, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

Fewer students are enrolled in the DeKalb County School System than this time last year.

Comparing the numbers for the period of August 7-14 total enrollment from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade district wide was 2,955 as of Wednesday (August 14), down by 33 students from 2,988 last year.

This marks the third year in a row that enrollment district-wide has been lower than the year before. Two years ago, enrollment to start the school year in August 2022 was 3,007 which was 52 students more than this year.

“Our enrollment numbers are down, and I think it goes back to the easy availability of home schools. Its affecting enrollment in school districts across the state,” said Director of Schools Patrick Cripps.

More than a decade ago in August 2013, DeKalb County’s student enrollment district-wide was 3,052 or 97 more than today.

According to Attendance Supervisor Joey Reeder, the August numbers are down from last year by 33 students at Northside Elementary School, 16 at Smithville Elementary, and by 13 pupils at DeKalb Middle School but the count is up by 12 at DeKalb County High and by 15 students at DeKalb West School.

Currently, the largest class by grade district-wide is kindergarten with 246 students followed by the fourth and nine grade classes each with 243 students. The smallest class district-wide other than the pre-K classes is twelfth grade at 189 students.

As of Wednesday, August 14 enrollment at each school was as follows compared to last year:
DCHS: 826 (up by 12 students) * In August 2013 DCHS enrollment was 834.

DeKalb Middle School: 559 (down by 13 students) *In August 2013, DMS enrollment stood at 592.

Northside Elementary: 559 (down by 33 students) *In August 2013, the Northside enrollment was 591.

Smithville Elementary: 534 (down by 16 students) * In August 2013, the Smithville Elementary enrollment was 621.

DeKalb West School: 475 (up by 15 students) *In August 2013, the DWS enrollment stood at 414.

The following is the current enrollment by grade system-wide:

Pre-K: Smithville Elementary-66 (down by 20)

Pre-K: DeKalb West-13 (down by 2)

Kindergarten: 246 (up by 32)

First Grade: 210 (down by 8)

Second Grade: 207 (down by 23)

Third Grade: 217 (down by 30)

Fourth Grade: 243 (up by 32)

Fifth Grade: 218 (down by 30)

Sixth Grade: 242(up by 11)

Seventh Grade: 234 (down by 3)

Eighth Grade: 231 (down by 7)

Ninth Grade: 243 (up by 32)

Tenth Grade: 193 (down by 13)

Eleventh Grade: 202 (same)

Twelfth Grade: 189 (down by 6)


The enrollment by school breaks down as follows:

Smithville Elementary: Pre-K 66, Kindergarten-190, First grade-162, and Second grade-116: Total 534

Northside Elementary: Second grade-37, Third grade-162, Fourth grade-192, Fifth grade-168: Total 559

DeKalb West School: Pre-K 13, Kindergarten-56, First grade-48, Second grade-54, Third grade-55, Fourth grade 50, Fifth grade-50, Sixth grade-54, Seventh grade-47, and Eighth grade 48: Total 475.

DeKalb Middle School: Sixth grade-188, Seventh grade-187, Eighth grade-184: Total 559

DeKalb County High School: Ninth grade-243. Tenth grade-193, Eleventh grade-202, and Twelfth grade-189: Total 827

Reeder also provided numbers on how the enrollment has been trending over the last 11 years district wide.

Year 2014: 3,005 students

2015: 3,015 students (up by 10 students)

2016: 2,950 students (down by 65 students)

2017: 3,039 students (up by 89 students)

2018: 2,993 students (down by 46 students)

2019: 2,999 students (up by 6 students)

2020: 2,881 students (down by 118 students)

2021: 3,044 students (up by 163 students)

2022: 3,007 students (down by 37 students)

2023: 2,988 students (down by 19 students)

2024: 2,955 (down by 33 students)

Enrollment numbers at each school from 2014-2024:

Smithville Elementary: Year 2014-609; Year 2015-569; Year 2016-540; Year 2017-578; Year 2018-556; Year 2019-561; Year 2020-552; Year 2021-574; Year 2022-581; Year 2023-550; Year 2024-534

Northside Elementary: Year 2014-623; Year 2015-658; Year 2016-640; Year 2017-639; Year 2018-603; Year 2019-594; Year 2020-552; Year 2021-578; Year 2022-577; Year 2023-592; Year 2024-559

DeKalb West School: Year 2014-389; Year 2015-382; Year 2016-376; Year 2017-409; Year 2018-389; Year 2019-397; Year 2020-384; Year 2021-425; Year 2022-447; Year 2023-460; Year 2024-475

DeKalb Middle School: Year 2014-554; Year 2015-536; Year 2016-521; Year 2017-546; Year 2018-572; Year 2019-607; Year 2020-579; Year 2021-577; Year 2022-544; Year 2023-572; Year 2024-559

Goodbye Jamie!

August 15, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

Goodbye Jamie!

Director of Schools Patrick Cripps and the Board of Education said their goodbyes to fellow board member Jamie Cripps during Thursday night’s regular monthly meeting.

For the last four years Jamie has served the fifth district as a member of the Board of Education, but she decided not to seek re-election to a new term this year. Thursday night’s meeting was her last. Jamie’s term officially ends August 31.

“We would like to recognize Ms. Jamie Cripps,” said Director of Schools Cripps. “This is her last night on the board. She has served for four years. I thought she had served without missing a meeting but she said she missed one in four years and that is a tremendous feat. On behalf of myself, the entire board, and the community that you have served, we do want to thank you Jamie for your dedication to our students and doing what you thought was best for our school system while you served,” said Director Cripps.

Her successor Megan Moore will take office September 1.

Director of Schools Patrick Cripps Presented Upper Cumberland Regional Superintendent of the Year award

August 15, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

Back in May, Director of Schools Patrick Cripps was named the 2024-25 Tennessee Upper Cumberland Regional Superintendent of the Year awarded by the Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents (TOSS).

During Thursday night’s monthly meeting of the Board of Education, the formal award was presented to Director Cripps by the TOSS Executive Director Dr. Gary Lilly.

“I am here in honor of Superintendent Cripps,” said Dr. Lilly. “I certainly appreciate Mr. Cripps who is always a great collaborator, and he is engaged in our events. He is an active participant in those and is respected throughout the state. Mr. Cripps is not always the loudest voice in the room but when he talks people listen. They value his experience, judgment, and advice. Its my honor to let you know that Mr. Cripps has been selected as the Upper Cumberland Superintendent of the Year,” Dr. Lilly continued. “What’s even more important is that this is not a TOSS award. Mr. Cripps was selected by his peers so that shows how much they value, respect, and appreciate him and we are very proud of him. The criteria that those selections are made from are set by the National organization in the areas of leadership for learning, communication, professionalism, and community involvement,” said Dr. Lilly.

“I want to thank Dr. Lilly and TOSS and the Upper Cumberland Directors that nominated me,” said Director Cripps. “This is not a Patrick Cripps award. It’s a DeKalb County award. It takes everybody. All of our employees are the ones behind it. I just get to speak. It’s a privilege and an honor to serve in this capacity. I’m starting my 10th year as director. When I started I was a scared little boy. Its still a scary job but God has seen me through it and it is a blessing to be able to serve our community. I am thankful for the opportunity that you guys (board members) have entrusted me with to do the job. I also appreciate the support of my family. I just want to say thank you and I love you. I also want to thank the community,” added Director Cripps.

TOSS is a membership association for Tennessee’s school superintendents and directors of schools. TOSS provides high quality professional learning, legislative advocacy and many other services.

An overall State Superintendent or Director of the Year is selected by TOSS each year along with eight regional winners. Cripps is this year’s winner for the Upper Cumberland Region.

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