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DeKalb County Library System 2020 Summer Reading Program “Imagine Your Story”

May 15, 2020

The Justin Potter and Alexandria Libraries Summer Reading Program will begin on May 28th through June 25th and all events will be online at 2:00 pm through Facebook Live or a website link that will be provided for the entertainers.

Children of all ages can sign up with their name, age and number of books they can read this summer.

They can register either by calling our libraries or going to jplibrarysummerreading and providing the above information. They will be given instructions on when to pick up their Summer Reading bags. Each child that registers and meets their goal will receive a participation certificate and other goodies at the end of the Summer Reading Program.

This year’s theme is “Imagine Your Story”.

Thursday, May 28th at 2:00 pm – Opening with Barry Mitchell’s Show “Fire up Your Imagination” with Sam the Turtle and Friends. (Facebook Live)

Thursday, June 4th at 2:00 pm – Edgar Evins State Park Rangers & Animal Friends. (Facebook Live)

Thursday, June 11th at 2:00 pm – Facebook Live Story Time with a craft. The materials for the craft are provided in the goody bag.

Thursday, June 18th at 2:00 pm – Facebook Live Story Time and Craft. Materials needed for the craft are 2 toilet paper rolls for each child and a glue stick. Other materials are provided in the goody bag.

Thursday, June 25th at 2:00 pm – Final Program on Facebook Live.

“We hope you will join us for a fun filled Summer Reading Program with a different look. The Library is offering Curbside service for those children that want to check out books for Summer Reading,” said Library Director Kathy Hendrixson

For more information, call Justin Potter Library at 615-597-4359 or Alexandria Library at 615-529-4124 visit us on Facebook or our website at

DeKalb Middle School 8th Grade Awards Day Ceremony to be Broadcast on WJLE and DTC3

May 15, 2020

The 2020 DeKalb Middle School 8th Grade Awards Day ceremony was held at the school on the afternoon of Monday, May 11. Due to ongoing regulations concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremony was held with no students in attendance, and only a limited number of faculty members. The ceremony was filmed by DTC3, and will air on multiple platforms on Monday night, May 18, at 7:00 p.m.

Additionally, WJLE Radio (101.7 FM, 1480 AM) will air an audio version of the ceremony on Monday night at 7 p.m. sponsored by DeKalb Farm Bureau. You can listen on radio or via webstream at The radio program will repeat Tuesday morning, May 19 at 7:05 a.m.

Due to students being unable to attend the ceremony, DMS Principal Lacey Foutch noted that students may pick up their award on Tuesday, May 19, from 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Awards that are not picked up that day will be sent to the students via mail.

SES Produces “Virtual Senior Walk” Video in Tribute to DCHS Class of 2020 (VIEW VIDEO HERE)

May 15, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

The Class of 2020 at DeKalb County High School would have graduated tonight (Friday) had the commencement not been postponed due to COVID-19.

The ceremony is now planned for either June 19 or July 17 .

The pandemic also forced a cancellation of another annual event which has become a tradition. A “Senior Walk” in which members of the DCHS Class dress up in their caps and gowns and walk through the halls of their old stomping grounds at Smithville Elementary School and DeKalb West School before they graduate.

Since the Senior Walk could not take place in person this year, the faculty and staff at Smithville Elementary created a “Virtual Senior Walk”. A special video just for the DeKalb County High School Class of 2020.

The video is posted on the SES website and Facebook page and can be viewed by clicking the link below.

“This video was created to celebrate the Class of 2020 at DeKalb County High School. We look forward to our senior walk each year, when seniors return to Smithville Elementary for one last walk through the halls to reminisce, celebrate, and also to inspire our students to strive to  achieve great things. We did not want the Class of 2020 to miss out completely on the experience, and we wanted to extend our congratulations to the entire graduating class at DCHS. The faculty and staff at Smithville Elementary are so proud of our seniors, and we hope that this video expresses that pride, and also lets them know how excited we are to see what the future holds for them. Congratulations, and best wishes from Smithville Elementary,” said SES Teacher Beth Cantrell.

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