City Applies for Airport Grant
November 6, 2018
By: Dwayne Page
The City of Smithville is closer to securing grant funding to build a parallel taxiway at the Airport.
During Monday night’s monthly meeting, the Mayor and Aldermen voted to apply for a $150,000 grant to pay most of the engineering costs in conducting a 30% design of the taxiway project. If approved, the grant would be funded 90% by federal funds, 5% by the state, and a 5% local match or $7,500.
Airport Manager Joe Johnson said this engineering project must be underway before the city can qualify for another grant of up to $4.6 million to actually construct the taxiway. The city has already applied for that 100% federally funded grant and should know by February if it is awarded. Should the $4.6 million grant be approved, then the city will proceed with the remaining 70% of the taxiway design at a 5% grant match.
Johnson will appear before the Tennessee Aeronautics Commission November 15 to present the city’s plans for the taxiway project.
If the grants are approved it will likely be 2020 before construction begins on the taxiway.
Johnson also praised the Mayor and Aldermen and City Attorney Vester Parsley for supporting him in reaching a settlement with a landowner in the city’s efforts to acquire property for the development of the parallel taxiway.
Meanwhile, a committee has been named, which will select a consulting engineer for the project.
Johnson said the city’s five year contract with the consulting firm of CHA expires this month. Members of that committee in addition to Johnson are Aldermen Shawn Jacobs and Brandon Cox, and other members Roth Terrell and Ron Hurd.
City Begins Fire Hydrant Flushing
November 6, 2018
By: Dwayne Page
The City of Smithville has contracted with Rogers hydrant service to flush fire hydrants. The project began Monday, November 5th and will continue for the next two weeks from 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.
“Although the water is safe to use, consumers are urged to run cold water taps in their homes or businesses for a few minutes before drinking or doing laundry to clear any discoloration in the water while this hydrant flushing operation is underway,” said Kevin Robinson, City Public Works Director during Monday night’s meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen.
The annual flushing of water mains via fire hydrants is a standard maintenance process that improves water quality at the tap by removing accumulated minerals, sediment and tuberculation in the lines (a buildup common in iron pipes that reduces its ability to transmit water). This also helps identify hydrants in need of repair.
The flushing process can cause low water pressure and frequently disturbs the accumulated minerals and sediment in the water mains. The quick release of water from a hydrant causes them to dissolve and temporarily discolor the water delivered to homes and businesses.
The fire hydrant flushing only affects the City of Smithville and its water customers.
Meanwhile Robinson said a metal cover has been placed over a water main on Broad Street at the intersection with Mountain Street. “That’s where we repaired a water main and I am trying to negotiate with the state as to how they want to repair it. The way they want to repair it is not feasible for the city. I have talked with the state and they are trying to come up with another solution,” said Robinson.
Saint Thomas DeKalb Supports DeKalb Health Adventure for 2019
November 6, 2018
Saint Thomas DeKalb Supports DeKalb Health Adventure for 2019
DeKalb County has received a Community Benefit Grant in the amount of $12,000 to continue the DeKalb Community Health Adventure for 2019. The Health Adventure provides DeKalb County residents with free healthy opportunities for all ages, with no costs to participate. Past activities have included yoga, special needs exercise classes, nutrition classes, family martial arts, art classes, healthy cooking classes, CrossFit and Kids CrossFit Camp, Tai Chi, Personal Health Coaches, and other healthy activities and program partners. The goal of the program is to promote healthy activities for families to try together while removing financial and emotional barriers of any kind.
Photo: (Pictured from left to right) Norene Puckett / Recovery Court, Lisa Cripps / DeKalb Prevention Coalition, Shan Williams / Saint Thomas Health, and Tim Stribling / DeKalb County Mayor
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