County Commission and School Board Races Taking Shape
February 2, 2022
By: Dwayne Page
A total of twenty-nine persons have qualified to run for the County Commission and eight for the Board of Education either in the May 3 Democratic and Republican Primaries or the August General Election.
Those listed below with the letter “D” beside their name indicate they are Democrats and those with an “R” next to their name designate they are Republicans. The names of Independents listed below will not appear on the May 3 ballot but will run in the August DeKalb County General Election with the Democratic and Republican nominees. On May 3, each party (Democrat and Republican) may nominate two candidates per district in county commission races and one per district in Board of Education (School Board) races. In August, two county commissioners per district (districts 1-7) and one Board of Education (School Board) member per district (districts 1,2,3,4, & 7) will be elected.
County Commissioner, District 1:
Bennett Armstrong-R (petition filed)
Daniel Cripps-Independent (August General Election) (petition filed)
Thomas E. “Tom” Chandler-R (petition filed)
Julie Ann Young-D (Incumbent) (petition filed)
County Commissioner, District 2:
Sabrina R. Farler-R (Incumbent) (petition filed)
James David “Jim” Pearson-R (petition filed)
Myron Rhody-D (Incumbent) (petition filed)
County Commissioner, District 3:
Jack E. Barton, III-D (petition filed)
Susannah Cripps Daughtry-D (Incumbent) (petition filed)
Tony Luna- Independent (August General Election) (petition filed)
Tim Perricone-R (petition filed)
Jenny Trapp-D (Incumbent) (petition filed)
County Commissioner, District 4:
Wayne Cantrell-Independent (August General Election) (petition filed)
Tony L. “Cully” Culwell-R (petition filed)
Dan Delacruz-R (petition filed)
Gregory S. “Greg” Matthews-R (petition filed)
Janice Fish Stewart-D (Incumbent) (petition filed)
County Commissioner, District 5:
Jerry Adcock-R (Incumbent) (petition filed)
Larry L. Green-R (petition filed)
Joshua E. Holloway-R (petition filed)
Charles Glynn Merriman-R (petition filed)
Steve Randall Merriman, Sr.-R (petition filed)
County Commissioner, District 6:
Justin Douglas Adcock-R (petition filed)
Jeff Barnes-D (Incumbent) (petition filed)
Danny McGinnis-D (petition filed)
Doug Stephens-R (petition filed)
County Commissioner, District 7:
Bruce Malone-R (Incumbent) (petition filed)
Beth Pafford-D (Incumbent) (petition filed)
Timothy Brian Reynolds-R (petition filed)
Board of Education (School Board), District 1:
Danny Parkerson (Incumbent) Independent (August General Election) (petition filed)
Board of Education (School Board), District 2:
Thomas Alan Hayes-R (Incumbent) (petition filed)
Board of Education (School Board), District 3:
Jim Beshearse-R (Incumbent) (petition filed)
Board of Education (School Board), District 4:
Eric Ervin-R (petition filed)
Scott Little-D (petition filed)
Tony Poss-Independent (August General Election) (petition filed)
Board of Education (School Board), District 7:
Ryan Wayne Mollinet-R (petition filed)
Shaun Tubbs (Incumbent) Independent (August General Election) (petition filed)
Badly Decomposed Body Found in Lake Home
February 2, 2022
By: Dwayne Page
The owner of a summer residence near Center Hill Lake returned home Tuesday after being away for several months and found a badly decomposed body of a man inside the premises.
The body has been sent to Nashville for an autopsy. The man’s identity has not yet been confirmed.
Sheriff Patrick Ray issued the following statement:
“On Tuesday February 1, 2022, at 11:08 p.m., DeKalb Central Dispatch received a call from a person on Captains Point Road stating he found a dead body at his residence.
Officers arrived on the scene and discovered a badly decomposed body of a man in a detached sunroom of the residence. The homeowner stated he had not been to the residence since November 1st 2021.
Sheriff Ray said “We believe the body of the man is someone we are familiar with. It appeared the man had been living in the sunroom without the owner’s consent. The residence is a summer home and no one stays at the residence full time. The body has been sent to the State Medical Examiner’s Office in Nashville for a positive I.d. and a cause of death.”
DeKalb County Awarded Phase 39 and ARPA-R Food and Shelter Funds
February 2, 2022
County Mayor Tim Stribling has announced that DeKalb County has been selected to receive $5,693.00 in Phase 39, and $17,596.00 with the American Rescue Plan Act to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the county.
The selection was made by a National Board that is chaired by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and consists of representatives from The Salvation Army; American Red Cross; United Jewish Communities; Catholic Charities, USA; National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA; and, United
Way of America. The local board is charged to distribute funds appropriated by Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in high-need areas around the country.
A local board made up of community representatives will determine how the funds awarded to DeKalb County are to be distributed among the emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in the area. The Local Board is responsible for recommending agencies to receive these funds and any additional funds available under this phase of the program.
Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must: 1) be private voluntary non-profits or units of government, 2) have an accounting system, 3) practice nondiscrimination, 4) have demonstrated the capacity to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs, and 5) if they are a private voluntary organization, they must have a voluntary board. Qualifying agencies are urged to apply.
The EFS Local Board will meet at the DeKalb County Senior Center at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 to consider applications for funding. Applications must be delivered to the DeKalb County Senior Center in Smithville by 1:00 p.m. that day or may be brought to the meeting by a representative, who is welcome to present the application to the Local Board.
Further information about the program and an application may be obtained by contacting, Pam Redmon, DeKalb County Senior Center Director, located at 718 South Congress Blvd., Smithville, TN 37166 Phone: (615) 597-7575.
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