Older Americans Day Celebration Today (Wednesday)
May 8, 2019
By: Dwayne Page
The month of May is recognized nationally as Older Americans Month, a time when the vast contributions older adults make to their families, communities, and nation is acknowledged.
Justin Potter Library will partner with the Alexandria and Smithville Senior Centers in participating in the national celebration by hosting Older Americans Day. The event will be held at the DeKalb County Complex Theater area located at 712 South Congress Boulevard in Smithville on Wednesday, May 8 at 11 a.m.
This year’s theme is “Connect, Create, Contribute”. The featured entertainment will be Williamson Branch, a bluegrass family band. There will be displays that open at 10:30 a.m., door prizes, goody bags, and sack lunches for the older adults to enjoy.
Everyone who is an older American is invited to this free event. For more information call the library at 615-597-4359 or visit on Facebook.
DeKalb Middle School Hosts Career Day (VIEW VIDEO HERE)
May 7, 2019
By: Dwayne Page
Students at DeKalb Middle School got a chance to learn what it’s like to be a police officer, firefighter, banker, and many other occupations during the 3rd annual Career Day held Tuesday.
Twenty seven businesses or service agencies were represented with booths set up in the gymnasium to share information.
“We talked to the students about what they want to do after high school and for many of them they don’t have an answer to that so this is just a way of giving them some choices about future careers to spark their interest,” said DMS teacher Suzette Barnes.
“The students from the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades rotated through the gym. They were previously provided questionnaires in their homerooms and we guided them on what questions to ask. During the event the students mingled and interacted with all the visitors before going back to their classrooms,” added Barnes.
Outside students got to climb aboard a DeKalb County Fire Engine, an ambulance, and a Vanderbilt Life Flight helicopter which landed on campus.
At the conclusion of the Career Day events in the gym, some of the visitors took time to stop by individual classes to discuss in more detail the characteristics of their businesses.
Among the participants in addition to Vanderbilt Life Flight, the DeKalb County Fire Department, and DeKalb EMS were the TWRA, DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department, Smithville Police Department, DeKalb Funeral Chapel, DTC Communications, Caney Fork Electric Cooperative, First Bank, Wilson Bank & Trust, the DeKalb County Health Department, NHC Healthcare Center, Suncrest Home Health, and others.
Jamboree Partners With Fire and Rescue To Meet New Safety Guidelines
May 7, 2019
The Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree & Crafts Festival is gearing up for the 2019 festival coming July 5-6, 2019 to the courthouse square in Downtown Smithville, Tennessee. One of the upcoming changes to the festival will include tighter guidelines on fire safety in relation to the food booths located around the square and city streets.
“The State of Tennessee has issued new requirements for festivals, and the Jamboree is working with Fire Chief Charlie Parker, and his team, to make sure that the upcoming festival food vendors will be compliant and capable to meet the new safety rules.” said Sam Stout, President & Coordinator of The Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree, “These guidelines have been put into place for the safety of the food vendors, in addition to the festival attendees and downtown businesses. We appreciate the hard work of Chief Parker, along with his team, who have worked alongside us to make sure that we will be in compliance and ready by festival time.”
“To comply with the fire safety codes, regulations and the interest of safety, The City of Smithville Fire Department will be requiring a Commercial Outdoor Food Vender First Safety Permit on all mobile or temporary commercial outdoor cooking trucks, trailers, tents or temporary structures within the corporate limits of Smithville, TN as of June 15, 2019.” said Smithville Fire Chief Charlie Parker. The safety guidelines are available to view on the Jamboree website at
With the addition of the new safety guidelines, which include mapping and booth spacing changes, the Jamboree has extended their not-for-profit deadlines for food vendors until May 15th, 2019. Following that date, any remaining food booths will be offered to ‘for profit’ vendors, as is the usual process.
“The Jamboree has a long tradition of reaching out to our local civic groups, charities, and non-profits giving them the first opportunity to reserve a booth space at the festival. Many of our non-profits partner with an established commercial food vendor while receiving a percentage of the profits. I urge the local community attendees to look for signage, even on the commercial food booths, to see whom you may be supporting. It’s a wonderful way to have a great time with your friends and family while supporting your favorite local organization. In addition to food booths, Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital will be providing the 40×60 dining tent which will include a novelty food section in the adjoining lot.” said Shan Williams, Director of Marketing for The Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree, “We would love to have any local adults, businesses, or students needing TN Promise hours to reach out to us for a 2 or 4 hour shift to help manage the dining tent.”
For questions concerning food vendor information, craft booths, volunteering opportunities, or for more information, check out the Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree FaceBook Page, website, email: or call the Jamboree office at 615-597-8500.
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