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Director of Schools Given Contract Extension and Pay Raise

March 9, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

Based on overall high marks given by the Board of Education in a recent performance evaluation, Director of Schools Patrick Cripps has been awarded a one year contract extension and given a $5,000 pay raise, effective July 1, 2018.

During Thursday night’s regular monthly meeting, the Board voted 6-0-1 to grant the extension and pay raise. Those voting in favor were Chairman W.J. (Dub) Evins, III and members Kate Miller, Doug Stephens, Danny Parkerson, Shaun Tubbs, and Jim Beshearse. Jerry Wayne Johnson passed.

With the $5,000 pay raise, Cripps will earn $90,000 per year paid in twelve equal monthly installments in accordance with the policy.

Cripps’ contract was to run through June 30, 2019, but with the one year extension, he will now serve as Director at least through June 30, 2020. Cripps has been Director since July, 2015. His original contract in 2015 was for two years to expire on June 30, 2017 but the Board voted in June, 2016 to extend the contract by two years based on overall high marks given by the Board in a director performance evaluation.

Cripps was recently evaluated again by the Board and given overall good marks.

During a work session prior to the meeting Thursday night, Board Chairman Evins said he preferred giving Cripps a two year extension but wanted the board to be unified on a decision. “No one can meet every goal but I think he (Cripps) has done as well as we could expect out of anyone in his position,” he said.

“My thought process is first and foremost is the Director doing a good job. That is the first thing to consider as far as I am concerned. I think he is and our evaluation indicates that. There are areas of improvement like there is with everybody. I am alright with either a one or two year (extension). I would prefer a two year (extension) but I would also like the board to be unified and agree and in good conscience go forward,” said Stephens.

During the work session, Tubbs recommended the board approving a one year extension with the $5,000 pay raise.”I think we need to look at putting in writing benchmarks of certain things that we as a board want to see accomplished,” he said.

“I think we need to identify some things (benchmarks) so that he (Cripps) knows exactly what the board is looking for to assimilate,” added Parkerson.

Director Cripps said during the workshop that he appreciates the opportunity to serve as Director and wants to continue to receive the full support of the school board. “Career wise, this has been the best three years of my career. I love my job but I do not want to be a stumbling block for this school system. I don’t want to be a hindrance. If we can’t all be going in the same direction and on the same page and if I don’t have your support, I don’t want the job because it cannot be accomplished without you backing me,” said Cripps.

Results of the Board of Education’s annual performance evaluation of Director Cripps in February show he is meeting “most” expectations of the board.

Cripps’ overall average score is 4.23 out of a possible 6 score.

In accordance with state law, the school board is required to develop and implement an evaluation plan to be used annually for the director of schools. Board members used a four page evaluation form to rate Director Cripps (1-5) in each of 60 areas from eight categories including on his relationship with the Board, the Community, Staff and Personnel, Educational Leadership, Business and Finance, Personal Qualities, Strategic Planning Skills, and Tennessee Specific questions.

A rating of “1” meant his performance was “Consistently Below Expectations”. A “5” rating signified that Cripps “Met All Expectations”. A rating with an asterisk (*) symbol or 6 meant he “Exceeded Expectations”.

Other ratings were:
“2”-Meets Few Expectations
“3”-Meets Some Expectations
“4”-Meets Most Expectations

Each board member scored Cripps in all areas from the categories on the form. The scores were then averaged to arrive at the grand total score. The forms were then sent to officials of the Tennessee School Boards Association where the scores were tabulated and averaged.

The Director’s strengths, based on the overall report, were his personal qualities and board relationship. Weaknesses were in strategic planning skills and community relationships.

A breakdown of the scores given to Cripps in the eight areas of evaluation were:

Performance Goal Average
Board Relationship

Community Relationships

Staff and Personnel Relationships

Educational Leadership

Business and Finance

Personal Qualities

Strategic Planning Skills

Tennessee Specific Questions

Grand Total

All other terms of Cripps’ contract remain unchanged from the original agreement in 2015.

Under the contract, the Board will provide a medical insurance plan for Cripps on the same terms that it is made available to other employees. The Director will be able to participate in any other insurance program offered by the Board on the same terms as any other employee of the Board.

Cripps will also be provided with an automobile and all expenses involved in said automobile for him to carry out his official duties. He may use the automobile for personal purposes not interfering with school purposes, provided he shall pay or reimburse the cost of all fuel during such use.

The Director’s year shall consist of 240 duty days of normal office hours. Vacation time should be avoided at the beginning and end of the school year. The Director serves and is on duty during regular school session. Non duty days include 10 holidays and 12 annual leave days.

Cripps shall be granted one day of sick leave for each month of contractual employment. Sick leave days shall be cumulative and unused sick leave days may be used for retirement credit in accordance with the policies of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System.

The evaluation of the Director shall occur no later than March 31 each calendar year during the term of the contract. The board shall review with the Director his performance, progress toward established goals, and the working relationships between the Director and Board, the staff, students, and community at large; and any other matters relative to the employment of the Director.

As part of the evaluation process, by July 30 of each year, the Director will present a Strategic Plan to the Board for the upcoming school year. The plan will incorporate the results of the Director’s most recent evaluation, will identify the strengths and needs of DeKalb County Schools, and will describe the Director’s Plan of Action to reach the goals adopted by the Board.

The contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or due to the retirement, disability, or death of the director. It may also be terminated by the Board for cause pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in TCA, the Teacher’s Tenure Act. If the Board terminates the contract for cause, the Director would be entitled to no further benefits of compensation.

The Board reserves the right to transfer the Director to any position within the system; however compensation and insurance benefits included in this agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the contract as specified in Article 1. In the event the Director declines to accept the transfer, this contract shall be terminated and the Director would be entitled to no further benefits or compensation.

The Director retains any rights to tenure as a teacher that he has already acquired in the DeKalb County Schools. Even so, the Director understands and agrees that, upon the termination of his duties as Director, he will be placed in a position for which he is licensed and qualified by the Board or any subsequent director of schools. No rights to a particular position are retained by seniority or any other means, and the Board or any subsequent director of schools, as appropriate, has the sole right to determine placement. However after placement, he will return to the pay scale prior to his appointment as Director.

The Director will not hire immediate family members in new administrative roles. Prior job assignments are grandfathered.

Mobile Food Pantry Set for March 17

March 8, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

As part of its community outreach ministry, the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church is again sponsoring a drive thru mobile food pantry Saturday morning, March 17 rain or shine.

In partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, the church plans to prepare enough food boxes to serve up to 300 families regardless of their income status, on a first come, first served basis. Families will receive enough food to last them for a full week. Second Harvest will bring in pallets of food on trucks. The food will then be off loaded and organized in preparation for the distribution.

Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and the food will be delivered from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Unlike most food distributions, those being served by the mobile pantry will not have to get out of their automobiles. They will drive thru in a pickup line and volunteers will deliver the food directly to their vehicles, placing the food boxes either in the back seat or trunk. Cars will line up facing north on College Street across from the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

“It’s a mobile food pantry but it’s also a drive thru. The recipients will stay in their cars. They will line up starting at 8:00 a.m. on College Street and when we have everything prepared and organized we’ll start the line moving, hopefully around 9:00 a.m. Recipients will drive through. As they enter in we’ll have a team there to put a box of food in their cars, either in their back seat or trunk,” said spokesperson Teresa Trapp Brown.

“We will line up right across from the church (Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church) on College Street. We’ll start registration at 8:00 a.m. We’ll need the name of the recipients and how many families are being served. We’re limited to two families per vehicle to make sure we have enough food,” added Isaac Gray, Minister of the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Others who wish to volunteer may show up Saturday, March 17 or call for more information at 615-464-7896 or 615-597-4197.

City to Take Sealed Bids for Sale of 1992 Fire Truck

March 7, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

With the arrival of the new fire truck, the City of Smithville plans to sell the oldest fire engine in the fleet.

During Monday night’s meeting, the aldermen voted to accept sealed bids for the sale of the 1992 fire truck. Bids will be taken through 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 29 at city hall. The aldermen will take action to award the bid at the following regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 2 at 6 p.m. at city hall.

“We would like to advertise to take bids on the truck. We have looked at websites to check prices of comparable trucks and found them in the price range from $15,000 to $35,000. We would like to set a minimum bid or reserve on the truck and take sealed bids so that it could be open to anybody either private individual or government. The truck we have is in good shape. It has less than 20,000 highway miles on it but it has more hours where we have set and pumped. The rear tires are the original,” said Fire Chief Charlie Parker.

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