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County Commission to Hold Public Hearing Monday Night, June 26 on 2023-24 Budget and Higher Property Tax Rate

June 25, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

The County Commission will consider passage of a higher property tax rate and a consolidated budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year when it convenes in regular monthly session on Monday, June 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Mike Foster Multipurpose Center at the County Complex.

A public hearing on the proposed budget and tax rate will be held prior to the meeting on Monday, June 26 at 6 p.m. in the same location as the monthly meeting.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

*Financial reports

*Budget amendments

*Committee Reports

*Consider and act on appropriation resolution for the 2023-24 fiscal year

*Consider and act on a property tax levy resolution

*Consider and act on non-profit funding resolution

*Consider and act on a consolidated budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year

*Acknowledge Leslie B. Enoch, II as Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Utility District Commissioner

*Fiscal confirmation letter

*Approve and appoint Suzanne Williams as ThreeStar Administrator

*Any other business properly presented


*Public comments

Public Hearing and Special Meeting of Mayor and Aldermen Monday June 26

June 25, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

The Smithville Mayor and Aldermen will meet in a special called session Monday, June 26th at 5pm at city hall.

The agenda is as follows:

*Public hearing on the 2023-24 budget

*2nd reading on the budget ordinance for the fiscal year 23-24

*Recognize Josh Williams and Roth Terrell. The Airport Manager will also be in attendance.

*Award paving bid

*Discussion/ action on changing the city purchasing policy to increase the threshold amount from 10 thousand to 25 thousand dollars before competitive bidding is required.

*Discussion/action on cancelling July 3rd meeting due to lack of business

Chorus & Clogging at Evins Park

June 25, 2023

To kick off the Jamboree in perfect red, white, and blue style, the Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber wants to invite you to come to downtown Smithville’s Evins Park (located across from Justin Potter Library & the Smithville Post Office) on Thursday, June 29th.

The schedule is as follows:

•Community Chorus will perform their patriotic-themed concert beginning at 6:00 PM

•Immediately after the chorus performance, Mary Ann Puckett will be bringing 4 dance teams to show off their steps – Smithville Select, DeKalb Dancin’ Delights, Center Hill Hoedown, and Caney Fork Circle Eights.

Parking will be available after 5 PM at the Smithville Review, 106 So. 1st St., Smithville. So, bring a lawn chair and come enjoy some great local entertainment.

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