Parents Must Decide on Remote Learning for Children by Tuesday, July 21
July 19, 2020
By: Dwayne Page
Parents need to let the DeKalb County School District know by Tuesday, July 21 if they plan to opt for remote learning for their children starting Monday, August 3. But can parents who currently want to send their children to school change their minds between July 21 and August 3?
Director of Schools Patrick Cripps and Attendance Supervisor Joey Reeder appeared on WJLE Thursday morning to address this question and many others.
If you missed the program or would like to hear it again click the link below
One caller asked “if something were to change between July 21 and the first day of school would parents who are still planning to send their kids to school have the chance to change and do remote learning since this is a changing situation (COVID-19) everyday?”
“We are not saying you can’t but probably if something changes that drastically between July 21 and August 3 we may all (students) be doing remote learning. We are not locking ourselves in and saying you can’t do this or that but we really need an answer by 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 21 because our principals and counselors have to get the schedules for these kids made for their classes. You can’t do that in just a few minutes. It’s a process that takes several days. We already have parents concerned because they don’t know who their child’s teacher is yet. We first have to see what kind of numbers we have so we need to know by July 21 what your plans are,” said Reeder.
Another caller inquired about the availability of internet access especially for low income families who want remote learning.
“I was wondering if you opt to do the remote classroom, if there are any government or state grants to help low income families get Wi-Fi at their house?”
Reeder explained that chromebooks will be provided to all students in kindergarten through 12th grade this year and hot spots will be made available by DTC Communications for those who don’t have access to the Internet at home.
“We are not aware of any government or state grants to help families but every student will have a chromebook. DTC Communications has provided hot spots and additional hot spots are being worked on right now but we want DTC to announce those locations. They have been great through all this and a willing partner. We certainly appreciate DTC CEO Chris Townson and his board of directors and employees. They have been a big help in providing hot spots,” said Reeder.
“We do want people to realize that if you do not have Internet in your home we will allow you to do remote learning but it will be a very difficult proposition. Each day you will have to go to a hot spot and download class work. It can be done. You can do remote learning without home Internet but it will be quite a chore for you,” added Reeder.
Early Voting Resumes Monday
July 19, 2020
By: Dwayne Page
A total of 263 people have taken advantage of early voting for the August 6 elections through Saturday.
According to the DeKalb County Election Commission Office, 73 people cast ballots Saturday. Of that number 49 voted in the Tennessee Republican Primary, 20 in the State Democratic Primary, and 4 voted only in the DeKalb County General Election without voting in either state primary.
The City of Smithville vote stands at 41 through Saturday (19 Friday and 22 Saturday) including in-person and absentee ballots but does not include property rights voters.
For the first two days of early voting (Friday and Saturday), a total of 137 have voted in the Tennessee GOP primary, 116 in the Tennessee Democratic Primary, and 10 have voted only in the DeKalb County General Election without voting in either state primary.
Early voting started Friday, July 17 and runs Monday to Saturday until Saturday, Aug. 1 in the downstairs courtroom of the courthouse.
Hours for early voting are Mondays 1-5 p.m.; Tuesdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursdays 2-6 p.m.; Fridays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Election day voting at all 15 precincts will be from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 6.
DeKalb Animal Shelter Offering Cat and Kitten Adoption Special (View Video Here)
July 18, 2020
By: Dwayne Page
The DeKalb Animal Shelter is currently home to a host of kittens and they are all available for adoption.
Come meet Toast, Smoky, Arlo, and Manny, the WJLE/DeKalb Animal Shelter featured “Pets of the Week”
Now through the month of August the shelter is offering a special on cat adoptions.
“Our cats are half price at $40 which includes the costs for spay/neuter, age appropriation vaccinations, dewormer, and their rabies vaccinations if they are old enough. If you decide to adopt a second cat to take home the cost for the second cat is only $20,” said Director Megan Moore.
Please call to make an appointment if you want to adopt.
“We are still doing everything by appointment only. Give us a call and we can walk you through that process or visit our facebook page. You can find our adoption application at On the adopt tab scroll all the way to the bottom to find the application and send it to our email and we will call you and schedule an appointment,” said Moore.
DeKalb Animal Coalition Offering Adoption Special for Cats and Kittens from dwayne page on Vimeo.
The shelter, located on Transfer Station Road behind Tenneco Automotive off Highway 70 east in Smithville, has been in operation since November, 2017 under the DeKalb Animal Coalition, a 501 c 3 non profit organization.
A Volunteer orientation will be held at the shelter on Saturday, August 1 from 12 noon until 1 p.m. for anyone who would like to volunteer. Phone 615-597-3647 (DOGS) for more information.
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