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Final Action Expected on City Annexation Ordinance Monday Night March 11

March 1, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

The City of Smithville plans to annex property off Dry Creek Road into the corporate limits.

The aldermen approved an annexation ordinance on first reading last month and are scheduled to adopt it on second and final reading following a public hearing Monday night, March 11 at 6 p.m. at city hall.

The meeting had been scheduled for Monday, March 4 at 6 p.m. but has been postponed until March 11 at 6 p.m. at city hall due to the death in the family of Alderman Gayla Hendrix.

The property (parcel 44.00 of DeKalb County Tax Map 64) was recently purchased by Jesus Villa who plans to develop a subdivision. A portion of the 12.18 acre site is in the city but the rest is outside the corporate limits.

According to City Administrator Hunter Hendrixson, Villa came before the Smithville Municipal Planning Commission last summer requesting a favorable recommendation for annexation of the property. The commission granted the request on August 13 subject to approval of the Smithville Aldermen.

A plan of services has been prepared for the property as required by law including police and fire protection, water and sewer services, sanitation, street lighting, and other necessary services.

Sheriff’s Department Reports Recent Rash of Car Break-Ins

March 1, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department is actively investigating several automobile break-ins which occurred overnight Wednesday or early Thursday morning in Liberty, Dowelltown and the area of Dry Creek and New Home Road.

According to Sheriff Patrick Ray the reports started coming in Thursday morning. “The thieves are targeting unlocked vehicles parked in residential driveways at night and have stolen money, an air soft gun, a .22 caliber rifle, among other things”.

Sheriff Ray is asking you to be aware of suspicious vehicles or people in your neighborhood and report it to Central Dispatch at 615-215-3000 so a deputy can be dispatched to your location.

You are also urged to keep your outbuildings and vehicles locked when you are away. If you have any information on who might be committing these thefts, please contact Sheriff Ray at 615-597-4935 extension 7. All calls are kept confidential.

DeKalb West School Stimulates Excitement for Reading on Family Literacy Night (VIEW VIDEOS HERE)

February 28, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

Students and their families took a fun filled journey through the halls of DeKalb West School Thursday night interacting with story book characters and participating in unique learning games and activities as part of an effort to increase excitement and improve children’s reading abilities.


The school’s 4th annual Camp Read S’more Family Literacy Night drew hundreds of kids and parents, not only from DeKalb West School but throughout the school system.

The night began with an assembly in the school gym where popular children’s author Michael Shoulders read stories to the children. Visitors then were allowed to roam the halls where stations were set up for special games and activities including a literature fair, Book Walk, Amazing Mazes, a Selfie Station, a Literacy Night Makerspace, a Keep-A-Book Campsite, Literacy Detectives, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and more.

“Literacy is so important in your child’s life and we’re trying to instill that into each child and foster a love of reading in them for the rest of their lives,” said DWS Principal Sabrina Farler.

“I have a doctorate in education and the one thing I have learned after going to all those classes to get a doctorate is that reading aloud to children is the best way to get them interested in books so tonight at DeKalb West I started by reading aloud to the kids to demonstrate to the parents the joy and the fun of reading to kids. Right now I am a retired educator. I gave 30 years of service to Clarksville. Now I am a full time writer and speaker and my job is to try and put good books in their (children’s) hands,” said Shoulders.

IMG_4611 from dwayne page on Vimeo.

D.W.S. Librarian and Family Literacy Night Coordinator Amanda Mullinax said the school puts the spotlight on family involvement with reading each year.

IMG_4612 from dwayne page on Vimeo.

“Like many things in life, parents and caregivers help shape children’s thoughts on education in general, especially reading,” Mullinax said. “When an adult finds value in the act of reading, many times a child will too. When an adult demonstrates the importance of making time each day to read, many times a child will follow. When an adult holds learning to a high degree, its usefulness is typically internalized by that child and will stick with them always! All these things not only alter children’s lives as readers but also as future adults who will hopefully start the cycle again with their own families someday. My hope is that the cycle they continue is one that contains a respect (if not a love) for reading, for learning, and for growing.”

To learn more about Michael Shoulders visit www.michaelshoulders.com.

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