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DeKalb West School Honors Perfect Attendance

May 17, 2024
By: Bill Conger

It’s an amazing accomplishment for a student to make it through the school year without missing a single day, but several DeKalb West School students can claim bragging rights for doing just that. In fact, DWS Principal Sabrina Farler announced 13 students on May 14 that were at school every single day on time and never left early.

8th grader Autumn Crook picked up her 7th Perfect Attendance Award. She only has missed two days due to sickness during her entire school career.

“My mom wouldn’t let me skip,” Autumn said. “That was a very adamant goal for her,” she added, laughing.

“I made sure she’s at school on time,” Jana Crook said. “It’s very important because you learn that work ethic early and that will take you far in life.”

7th grader Maddux Pyburn has earned the Perfect Attendance Award for 3 years. His mother Kelly Pyburn, a 20-year teaching veteran and DWS P.E. Teacher and Coach says she sets high expectations for her children. And Maddux listens, especially when the prize is $50 along with the certificate of accomplishment.

“Well, I’ve tried to play hooky,” Maddux admits, “but my momma won’t let me. She tells me to suck it up and go to school. It is what it is. Fifty bucks for fishing lures!”

His sister, Marley Pyburn, a 3rd grader, has never missed a day the last 3 years. 5th grader Karson Mullinax has earned Perfect Attendance for 5 years and his brother, Kaden, a 7th grader, has picked up the award for the last 4 years.

“I tried not to miss,” Kaden Mullinax said. “With all the make-up work that I would have to do from missing, I’d have to do two days’ work in one day.”

7th grader Adam Brown has earned the Perfect Attendance Award for 2 years while 4th grader Mary Moore and her brother, 1st grader Oliver were presented with the Perfect Attendance award for the first time. Sisters Karlee and Kylie Pierce earned the Perfect Attendance award this year as did Jude Sebolt, Bobby Smith, and Chael Willingham.

DeKalb Fire Department Holds Graduation Ceremony for Citizens Fall Fire Academy

May 16, 2024

The DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department’s Citizens’ Fall Fire Academy just completed its six-week run with a graduation ceremony for the participants on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024.

“The purpose of this academy is to provide a behind-the-scenes look, from a citizens’ perspective, at the organizational structure, administration, operation, and response capabilities of the DeKalb County Fire Department and supporting agencies, such as the 911 Dispatch,” said Firefighter Alex Woodward who coordinates this program.

DeKalb Fire Department Citizens Fall Fire Academy: Video Producer: Firefighter Alyssa Harvey

Participants had the option of either observing or actually getting some hands-on experience by dressing up in firefighter turnout gear and operating department equipment including the jaws of life extrication tools under the supervision of the county firefighters.

“We are not trying to train people to be firefighters. This is more of an educational type of venture and, while participants have the opportunity to cut up a car using the jaws of life and use a fire hose to spray some water, it’s not a physically demanding program,” said Woodward.

Although the course is not primarily designed to recruit future volunteer firefighters, the department has picked up a few over the years because of the academy. “We have had people go through the program and their level of interest was high enough that they did later apply and become part of our fire department team,” added Chief Donny Green.

Members of this year’s academy were Cliff Carey, Janet Carey, Victor Harvey, Lissa Riley, Joanne Williams, and Larry Williams.

If you would like to know more about how to get on the participant list for next year’s Citizens’ Fire Academy, please contact Alex Woodward at 615-489-7292 or Chief Donny Green at 615-464-7176.

Corps of Engineers increase Center Hill Dam water releases

May 16, 2024

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District has increased controlled spillway gate water release operations for Center Hill Dam in Lancaster, Tennessee.

Water release operations will continue until May 23 to accommodate recovery of flood control storage capacity following the significant rain event over the area this past week. USACE expects to increase overall water releases at Center Hill Dam to 23,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). This includes 11,500 cfs from hydropower generators and 11,500 cfs from spillway gate operation.

River conditions below Center Hill dam are extremely dangerous and the public is discouraged from recreating in the area. Boaters are urged to use extreme caution, wear life jackets and practice responsible water safety.

The district manages 10 locks and dams on the Cumberland River that serve various purposes. Wolf Creek, J. Percy Priest, Dale Hollow and Center Hill dams serve as flood storage projects. USACE main river projects used to maintain stable water levels for navigation are Cordell Hull, Old Hickory, Cheatham and Barkley locks & dams. USACE locks and dams continue to perform as designed throughout the Cumberland River Basin.

Various USACE Nashville District projects become particularly important during times of heavy rainfall. The National Weather Service provides USACE with radar rainfall estimates and forecasts of inflows to our reservoirs. USACE in turn provides real-time information and forecasts for the operations of projects and corresponding discharges which are incorporated into official river flood forecasts provided to the public.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District manages the Cumberland River and its tributaries, balancing the demands for water releases to flood risk management, commercial navigation, production of hydropower, recreation, fish and wildlife, water supply and water quality.

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