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Frazier Brothers Celebrate their 92nd Birthday

March 15, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

by: Dwayne Page and Susan Hinton

Family and friends joined twins Edward and Edsel Frazier, both World War II veterans, in the celebration of their 92nd birthday during a lunch at Patty’s Restaurant Tuesday.

Each received a letter from Congressman Jim Cooper congratulating them and both are to be recognized with resolutions commemorating their birthday from state lawmakers.

The letters from Congressman Cooper state “It gives me great pleasure to extend my greetings and congratulations to you on the occasion of your 92nd birthday. Reaching 92 years is a tremendous milestone and I am certain that you have touched and enriched countless lives along the way.

You have seen this country change and have helped to prepare the next generation for the 21st Century. I commend you on your long life, your good work, and for sharing your wisdom with generations that followed your own. Your family is privileged to have you in their lives, and we are all very proud of you.

As you celebrate with family and friends, know that I join with citizens from throughout the Fifth Congressional District of Tennessee in saluting you and wishing you a very happy birthday.

Again, congratulations on your very special day,” wrote Congressman Cooper.

Edward and Edsel were born to Hassie and Robert Lee Frazier on Dry Creek in DeKalb County on March 13, 1926.

The Frazier brother twins were inducted at Camp Forrest, Tennessee during World War II at 18 years of age. Edward and Edsel both started in the 99th Army Infantry Division and served with General Hodges and General George Patton while crossing the Blue Danube. The twins walked across the bridge at the landing of Normandy in the icy cold water. Their boots were frozen along with the rest of them.

Both have stories about the extreme weather conditions and surviving the war with Edward even going into an old farm house to stay next to a cow to try and get warm. Edward still credits that cow with saving his life after he was separated from the others in his platoon. The other soldiers in the company that night thought he was dead when he turned up missing, but had a good laugh when he finally caught up. These are a few of the memories they love to share, but there were many memories too painful to relay. Edward always talks about seeing so much hunger and to this day has trouble seeing people throw their food away wastefully. Both of the guys couldn’t wait to get back to their home state of Tennessee after the war and to roam in the hills of Dry Creek where they were both born.

Their Rank: Private 1st Class; Edward was recommended for Master Sergeant at the end of the war, but was too anxious to return home to stay in the army. He recalls the joy when told the war was over and everyone was returning home.

Edward and Edsel earned various medals including two battle stars, I Eastern Rhine, 1 European Theatre-medals, along with other awards. During the war, Edsel was hospitalized while Edward’s troop moved on so the guys were separated briefly during the war. The men were discharged in Fort Logan, Colorado in Denver at the end of the war.

A reporter talked to the guys and Edward laughingly told him that they were named by their father who loved his old Model T so much he named them after the Ford’s, Henry Edsel and Henry Edward. This was picked up by the AP Wire and sent all across the U.S. about the Ford Twins.

Through the years, the guys have both contributed much to the community with Edward being active in politics and serving on numerous county committees as well as being elected Mayor of Smithville for two terms. Edsel was a U.S. Postal employee and retired from that position and is also a member of the Shriners. Both have played key positions with their local VFW and American Legion organizations with Edward serving as Commander for many years.

City Hires Managers of Golf Course, Pool, and Tennis Court

March 14, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

The Smithville Golf Course, Swimming Pool, and Tennis Court will soon be under new management.

During a special meeting held Tuesday evening at city hall, the aldermen voted 4-0 to hire Ken Lacy and Pete Ferguson to manage the facilities for at least one year. Aldermen Gayla Hendrix, Shawn Jacobs, Josh Miller, and Danny Washer voted in favor. Alderman Jason Murphy was absent.



The city will pay each of them $1,000 per month. This equates to a shared annual wage of $24,000. Lacy and Ferguson will also be offered the city’s healthcare insurance package which is a $7,000 benefit to each of them. The city will receive revenues generated through the facilities.

The mayor and aldermen held a workshop concerning the future of the golf course on Saturday.

“We had a workshop Saturday at the golf course to get an update on the condition, the maintenance, and how everything is looking. Everything is looking wonderful. The report was that potentially the golf course could be ready to open by April 1,” said Alderman Hendrix.

The city had previously had the golf course and pool leased to Tony Poss but he surrendered his lease last August. After that, the city entered into a one year maintenance agreement last September with Riverwatch Golf & Resort to upgrade and maintain the golf course at a cost to the city of $74,115.

The aldermen decided at that time to begin looking for a manager by spring instead of leasing the facility again.

During Tuesday night’s meeting, Alderman Hendrix moved to hire Lacy and Ferguson as managers. She said their proposal was the best of those submitted for consideration.

“We had some applications submitted for manager but after reviewing everything, I would make a motion that we hire Ken Lacy and Pete Ferguson. I thought their proposal was by far the most economical and they are the best qualified for the position. I feel like we are very fortunate in this small town to have people of this expertise willing to do this and it will include management of the golf course, swimming pool, and tennis courts. They will be in charge of all of that” said Alderman Hendrix.

Alderman Miller suggested that the deal with Lacy and Ferguson be subject to a review after one year.

“Since we don’t really know what kind of revenue this golf course will bring in, I think we should at least make sure we have the option of looking at this again in a year,” said Alderman Miller.

The board gave its approval.

Miller Signs to Play College Football at Thomas More in Kentucky

March 14, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

Another outstanding DCHS Tiger football athlete is moving on to the collegiate level after he graduates from high school.

Bradley Miller, a senior, signed a letter of intent Tuesday morning to play for Thomas More College, a Catholic Liberal Arts College of the Diocese in Covington, Kentucky.

Miller’s parents, Michael and Dee Dee Miller joined Bradley for the signing along with his high school coaches and several of his Tiger teammates.

“I just visited there (Thomas More) and I felt it was the right place for me. I really love their academic program and everything they had to offer me. Their football program has been very consistently in the play-offs. Its an all around great program,” said Miller.

During the team banquet in January, Bradley was named the Most Valuable Player for the 2017 season. He was also selected as the Most Outstanding Defensive Back in Region 3 Class 4A.

“Anytime we have a guy who has an opportunity to play at the next level its very exciting for our program and for other guys who are still in our program to see guys like Bradley who have played for four years and who have contributed to our program on and off the field. It’s a good thing for everybody involved,” said Coach Steve Trapp.

“What he has done on the football field, especially during his Junior year, was probably the best ever for a defensive back at DeKalb County High School and being an All-State performer. But he has really taken care of business in the classroom as well. He had a lot of different opportunities to go play at different places (colleges) and all of them are high academic institutions. Good test scores, good GPAs, and good football lead to scholarships,” added Coach Trapp.

During the presentation of his MVP Award in January, Coach Trapp said “This guy played a lot of football for us this year as a senior. I don’t think he came off the field a whole lot. He was on special teams, defense, and offense. We put him in as running back in a couple of games. He returned kicks and punts. Last year as a junior he probably had the best defensive back year ever as a DCHS football player but he didn’t have as many opportunities this year because people just wouldn’t throw at him. Last year he was All-State in different areas and pre-season All State this year. He is a tremendous high school football player,” said Coach Trapp.

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