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Mobile Food Pantry Set for March 17

March 8, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

As part of its community outreach ministry, the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church is again sponsoring a drive thru mobile food pantry Saturday morning, March 17 rain or shine.

In partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank, the church plans to prepare enough food boxes to serve up to 300 families regardless of their income status, on a first come, first served basis. Families will receive enough food to last them for a full week. Second Harvest will bring in pallets of food on trucks. The food will then be off loaded and organized in preparation for the distribution.

Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and the food will be delivered from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Unlike most food distributions, those being served by the mobile pantry will not have to get out of their automobiles. They will drive thru in a pickup line and volunteers will deliver the food directly to their vehicles, placing the food boxes either in the back seat or trunk. Cars will line up facing north on College Street across from the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

“It’s a mobile food pantry but it’s also a drive thru. The recipients will stay in their cars. They will line up starting at 8:00 a.m. on College Street and when we have everything prepared and organized we’ll start the line moving, hopefully around 9:00 a.m. Recipients will drive through. As they enter in we’ll have a team there to put a box of food in their cars, either in their back seat or trunk,” said spokesperson Teresa Trapp Brown.

“We will line up right across from the church (Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church) on College Street. We’ll start registration at 8:00 a.m. We’ll need the name of the recipients and how many families are being served. We’re limited to two families per vehicle to make sure we have enough food,” added Isaac Gray, Minister of the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Others who wish to volunteer may show up Saturday, March 17 or call for more information at 615-464-7896 or 615-597-4197.

City to Take Sealed Bids for Sale of 1992 Fire Truck

March 7, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

With the arrival of the new fire truck, the City of Smithville plans to sell the oldest fire engine in the fleet.

During Monday night’s meeting, the aldermen voted to accept sealed bids for the sale of the 1992 fire truck. Bids will be taken through 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 29 at city hall. The aldermen will take action to award the bid at the following regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 2 at 6 p.m. at city hall.

“We would like to advertise to take bids on the truck. We have looked at websites to check prices of comparable trucks and found them in the price range from $15,000 to $35,000. We would like to set a minimum bid or reserve on the truck and take sealed bids so that it could be open to anybody either private individual or government. The truck we have is in good shape. It has less than 20,000 highway miles on it but it has more hours where we have set and pumped. The rear tires are the original,” said Fire Chief Charlie Parker.

DeKalb Farm Bureau Announces Poster Contest and Essay Winners

March 7, 2018
By: Dwayne Page

DeKalb County Farm Bureau announces the 2018 Fourth Grade Poster Contest and Seventh Grade Essay Winners. Pictured from left to right are Cathy Officer, Farm Bureau Women’s Chair, Yvette Chivers, 1st place winner of Poster Contest – $50.00, Olivia Gilley, 2nd place winner of Poster Contest – $25.00, Cooper Brown, 1st place winner of Essay Contest- $50.00, and Stephen Officer, President, DeKalb County Farm Bureau.- Also, Mrs. Shelly Jennings was awarded $50.00 for the most entries from her classroom in the Poster Contest and Mrs. Amy Fletcher was awarded $50.00 for the most entries in the Essay Contest. The posters were based on “Farm to Fork” and the essays were titled “Why is Agriculture Important?” (Not pictured-Nolan Gottlied-2nd place winner of Essay Contest-$25.00 recipient). The first place winners will be submitted to the state contest.

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