Accelerating TN 2022 Tour coming to DeKalb County!

May 21, 2022
By: Dwayne Page

The Accelerating TN 2022 Tour is coming to DeKalb County!

The Tennessee Department of Education announced Friday that the a statewide tour spanning 50 school districts over the course of three weeks to highlight summer learning opportunities will be visiting DeKalb County Schools on June 10. Department members, elected officials, and education partners will have the chance to join the various engagements to learn more about how schools are accelerating student achievement.

Tennessee continues to lead the nation in supporting students, prioritizing education policies and initiatives to ensure our children are set up for success.

During the General Assembly’s 2021 special legislative session on education, legislators passed the Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act, which set forward a path for all districts’ current and future summer programming opportunities to benefit students and accelerate achievement. This year, the General Assembly passed the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) Act, which updates the way the state funds public education for the first time in over 30 years and prioritizes the needs of each individual student.

To highlight these important policies and programs to support students, Commissioner Penny Schwinn, department staff, state and local elected officials, and community partners are visiting 50 of Tennessee’s school districts this summer to connect directly with students, educators, and stakeholders. On June 6th, the bus tour will feature a special statewide celebration on the TISA public school funding formula and the new $1 billion recurring investment in K-12 public education.

“Tennessee has led the nation in implementing innovative and student-focused strategies to accelerate student achievement and outcomes,” said Commissioner Penny Schwinn. “The Accelerating TN 2022 bus tour will support the essential work continuing this summer—highlighting best practices, facilitating key discussions on strategic initiatives and the new TISA public school funding formula, and connecting the many stakeholders who want to help all Tennessee students succeed. By engaging, listening and learning during the tour, we can help ensure Tennessee continues to lead on behalf of our children.”

During the summer bus tour, planned highlights include visits to Summer Learning Camps and a Reading 360 Early Reading Training. Additionally, on numerous visits, the Commissioner and guests will partake in district leadership roundtables discussing strategic initiatives accelerating student achievement and the TISA public school funding formula as well as events highlighting state, regional or district work.

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