Alexandria Mayor and Aldermen-Elect Take Oath of Office (View Videos Here)

August 5, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

Sworn in!

Four days after election day, the newly elected Mayor of Alexandria, Beth Tripp and Aldermen elect Lucas “Luke” Dylan Prichard, Robert “Bobby” Alex Simpson, and Jonathon Tripp took their oath of office from County Mayor Matt Adcock at the courthouse Monday.

Beth Tripp was elected to fill an unexpired term during Thursday’s Alexandria Municipal Election. She received a total of 88 votes to win the seat. Tripp’s name was the only one on the ballot for mayor, but an active write-in campaign was staged by two others, Rodney Allen Lawson, who received 64 votes and Russell “Rusty” Allen Bradshaw who had 18 write-in votes.

Tripp’s husband Jonathon Tripp was elected to a full four-year term as aldermen with 92 votes. Tripp’s name was the only one on the ballot for the position. Two others, Lucas “Luke” Dylan Prichard and Robert “Bobby” Alex Simpson were elected to a full four-year aldermen term through a write-in effort. Prichard received 74 write-in votes and Simpson garnered 73. Two other write-in candidates were unsuccessful in their quest for a full four-year term as alderman including Bobbie Jo Ford who received 24 votes and Curtis James Rutter who had 32 write-in votes.

Jeff Ford was elected to fill an unexpired alderman term with 79 votes. His was the only name on the ballot to fill the vacancy. There were no write-in candidates for the unexpired term.

Ford was not present for the swearing in ceremony Monday.

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