Alexandria Police Make Recent Arrests Ranging from Fugitive to Drug Offenses

January 16, 2024
By: Dwayne Page

Several arrests have been made recently by the Alexandria Police Department on charges ranging from fugitive to drug offenses.

51-year-old Tara Perkins of Weatherly Drive, Lebanon is charged with manufacture, delivery, sale, and possession of a schedule II drug (Methamphetamine) and possession of a schedule V drug (Gabapentin), and simple possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Alexandria Police Chief Travis Bryant said that on December 14, officers stopped Perkins for a traffic violation and while speaking with her, they suspected she was in possession of narcotics. K-9 Manci was deployed, and a search of the vehicle yielded approximately 3 grams of a crystal-like substance believed to be methamphetamine, 33 white pills believed to be Gabapentin, a small amount of marijuana, several hypodermic needles, small baggies and a pipe. Her bond was set at $45,000.

35-year-old James Ketcherside and 53-year-old Yvonne Ketcherside of Edgewood Street, Alexandria were arrested on December 31 for being fugitives from justice. Officers learned that both were living at this Alexandria residence and were wanted in Missouri for parole violations. As officers arrived, they spoke with the homeowner who gave them consent to search. James Ketcherside was found in an upstairs bathroom trying to hide from officers while Yvonne Ketcherside was locked in a bedroom closet. After about an hour, both were taken into custody. Dispatch then sent a confirmation to authorities in Missouri and officers were advised to hold the Ketcherside’s for extradition. Yvonne Ketcherside stated to officers that she had been on the run for 4 years. Their bonds were set at $75,000 each.

36-year-old Trevan Lawson of James Court, Gordonsville is charged with possession of a schedule V drug (Gabapentin), manufacture, delivery and sale of a schedule II drug (methamphetamine), and possession of drug paraphernalia. On January 9, Officers were summoned to check on a suspicious vehicle at the car wash on West Main Street. As officers approached the vehicle, they detected a strong odor of marijuana and discovered that Lawson was the driver. A metal container was found under the seat during a search which contained approximately 2.41 grams of a crystal substance thought to be methamphetamine, a scale, several clear baggies, and a baggie containing 9 white pills believed to be Gabapentin. Officers also found a used pipe and a set of scales in the glove compartment. Lawson’s bond is set at $20,000 and he will appear in court on January 25.

35-year-old Amanda Wuest of Hillcrest Circle, Gordonsville is cited for possession of drug paraphernalia. Wuest was a passenger in the suspicious vehicle on West Main Street. Officers learned while speaking with her that she was in possession of a piece of aluminum foil and a cut straw both with residue. She admitted that the items were used for narcotics. Her court date is set for January 25.

33-year-old Kelsy Thiem of Evelyn Circle, Portland is charged with DUI and reckless endangerment. On January 3, an officer got behind a vehicle and noticed it swerving and failing to maintain its own lane of travel. He then stopped the automobile and spoke with Thiem who had an odor of alcohol on his person. Thiem’s 7-year-old son was in the vehicle with him. The officer asked Thiem to step out of the automobile to perform field sobriety tasks and discovered that his speech was slurred and that he was unsteady on his feet. Thiem admitted to having consumed a couple of drinks. He performed unsatisfactorily on the field sobriety tests. Thiem was also cited for failing to maintain his lane of travel and failure to provide proof of insurance. His bond was set at $10,000.

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