Board of Education to Act on Plan for New School

November 26, 2019
By: Dwayne Page

After two years of talking about building a new school, the Board of Education may be ready to act.

During a special called meeting set for Thursday, December 5 at 6 p.m. the board may act on the purchase of land and new school construction. Although the board has the authority to select what type of school to build the county commission would have to be brought in for approval of funding.

In September, 2017 the school board hired Upland Design Group to conduct a school facilities study and in December of that year the architects came back with a recommendation that Smithville Elementary School be replaced and repurposed for other uses. A variety of construction options were offered for consideration. Since then the Board has had a series of meetings and workshops to reach a consensus on a plan and in October, 2018 voted to seek funding for the construction of a new elementary school for students in pre-kindergarten to 2nd grade to replace Smithville Elementary School. Upland Design then went to work on developing proposed site plans for the school to be built on the campus of Northside Elementary School which they unveiled in March, 2019. But sensing that more space might be needed to adequately accommodate a new school and for future development, the Board set out in search of property to buy.

At least five locations have been considered in recent months but so far the Board has not acted. Also at least one school board member and even a few county commissioners have questioned the wisdom in building a Pre-K through 2 elementary school when there are also other needs. Some say the better plan would be to build two schools for pre-kindergarten to 8th graders. Something that would most likely require zoning.

During a workshop with the school board earlier the month, an architect from Upland Design shared updated estimates on the cost of building a new Pre-K- 2nd grade School for 900 students ($30,170,500) versus construction of two new Pre-K to 8th grade schools for 700 students each ($48,685,000) total. He added that the actual cost per square foot could range between $200-$220 depending on the construction market at the time of the bid. This value would also fluctuate based on actual site conditions.

Prior to the special called meeting on December 5th, the school board will have a work session at 5 p.m. to again consider their options and has invited members of the county commission to join them in the discussions.

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