Captain Larry D. Cripps Book Signing at Justin Potter Library

February 13, 2025

Justin Potter Library will host a book signing featuring Captain Larry D. Cripps, a distinguished retired Navy Chaplain, on Thursday, February 27, from 1 to 5 PM.

Captain Cripps, who grew up in the Blue Springs community, brings a wealth of experience and insight from his forty-two years of military service spanning three wars: Vietnam, Desert Shield/Desert Storm, and the post-9/11 War on Terror. His unique perspective and captivating stories reflect his military journey and highlight Smithville’s rich heritage.

Larry’s new book, “The Hope of War: A Chaplain’s Journey to Abiding Faith, Enduring Hope and Love Under Fire,” was released by Emissary Publishing on Memorial Day weekend last year. The book chronicles the life of a small-town farm boy growing up against the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and the cultural revolution of the 1960s and early 1970s.

His book has garnered glowing reviews, particularly from young people, active service members, combat veterans, first responders, and their families. This positive feedback underscores the book’s significant benefit for those who have encountered challenges, disappointments, or traumatic experiences, which are integral parts of our life’s journey.

This book signing session will be unlike any other we have hosted. It will feature a pictorial display highlighting significant moments that shaped Larry’s life and ministry to the men and women of America’s Armed Forces and their families, who sacrificed so much to protect and preserve the freedoms we all cherish. Additionally, Larry’s daughter, Makenzy Hendrix Gash, the owner of “Just a Gash of Sugar,” will provide our guests with a selection of delicious treats

For further information contact Justin Potter Library at 615-597-4359. Visit us on Facebook, Instagram or our website at

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