City Approves Certificate of Compliance for Potential New Liquor Store Owners

May 13, 2020
By: Dwayne Page

A local liquor store is undergoing a change in ownership and the Smithville Mayor and Aldermen during a special meeting Tuesday night approved a certificate of compliance by the new owners.

Smithville Discount Wine and Spirits at 413 East Broad Street opened in 2015. The owner is Jim Smith but he is selling the business to Nita and Sherrod Patel pending approval of city and state conditions for the new owners’ liquor license. The Patels will be leasing the property from the landowner Randy Paris.

Under city and state laws, the aldermen must adopt a new liquor store owner’s certificate of compliance before he or she can make application to the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission. The agency which has the sole authority to grant a liquor license. The certificate of compliance signifies the store owner has met all the city’s requirements for an application to the state.

City Administrator Hunter Hendrixson and City Attorney Vester Parsley said the applicants have met conditions for approval of a certificate of compliance under the city’s liquor ordinance. One requirement is that the new owners, like the current one, must keep at least a $150,000 inventory of liquor at all times.

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