City Fire Chief Renews Request for More Full Time Paid Firefighters

April 28, 2023
By: Dwayne Page

Does the Smithville Fire Department need more fulltime firefighters?

Chief Charlie Parker believes the answer is “yes” and that’s why he is asking the City of Smithville for 2 more paid firefighters in the 2023-24 fiscal year budget.

Parker addressed the Mayor and Aldermen with his request during Monday night’s budget workshop.

The Smithville Fire Department currently has three full time staff members. Chief Parker was the first member hired as a full-time city firefighter in 2012. Dalton Roberts was added as the second city paid firefighter in 2020, followed by Glenn Lattimore in 2022.

Every budget year, Chief Parker asks for more paid staffers, and he said Monday night that his goal is for the city to eventually have at least 6 full time firefighters within 5 years. “This would mean we would have 2 firefighters on rotating shifts that would provide coverage 24 hours per day, 7 days a week”, he said.

The city has 28 volunteers on the roster, but Chief Parker told the mayor and aldermen Monday night that the volunteers are not always available when needed because of other jobs and commitments.

“There was an occasion last year when I had central dispatch call me on a Saturday afternoon while I was eating asking if anyone was going to respond to a call. I said well, I don’t know. Luckily it was an alarm call. I said send the police over there and if it is (a fire) you will have to call the county because we (city) don’t have anybody there. That was on a weekend, and it doesn’t happen a lot but it does happen, so we want to see about getting people here during the daytime to expand the coverage to include Saturdays and Sundays. Even so, that still only covers 8 hours out of 24 hours. My 5-year goal is to at least have 2 people around the clock,” said Chief Parker.

Several of the most senior members have been with the department for well over 30 years and are now age 55 or older yet they are among the most available when needed according to Chief Parker.

“This is not exactly an old man’s profession but these six or seven guys who have been here so long have made the department what it is today. They are making 75% to 80% of the calls and my fear is when they decide its time to retire those percentages will drop to 40% or 30% so that’s part of the reason why I am asking for more people although I don’t expect to get them all at one time,’ said Chief Parker.

The mayor and aldermen have not yet acted on Chief Parker’s request.

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