Connecting with Christ During COVID-19: Isaac Gray

April 26, 2020
By: Bill Conger

Some people are searching beyond the headlines for answers to the worldwide pandemic. In our latest segment on this series—Connecting With Christ During COVID-19, we spoke with Isaac Gray, pastor at Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Bill Conger: What can we learn from church history when it comes to thinking about the threat of pandemics?

Isaac Gray: I’m not a history buff so I’ve not spent a lot of time reading church history, but what we do know is that the Church has always risen to the occasion and reached out with the love of Jesus to those who were in need. We know that many hospitals, schools, charities, etc. were started by people following the call of God to help those that were most vulnerable and in need. The Church did not shrink back but went out into desperate situations as Christ has called us. We must continue to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us and do the same. The Church has never been called to shelter in place and hoard up on goods so we can make it through the dark days; but, be generous and sacrifice for the good of each other.

Conger: Some people ask whether the virus is a plague or judgment from God. What does the Bible say?

Gray: The Bible says sometimes sickness, disease, natural disaster, etc. are a judgment from God and sometimes they are not. The Bible gives us many examples of when God punished nations, even His own people Israel, for their rebellion and sin toward God. Scripture is also clear in that the world is broken (by our sin), and bad things sometimes happen for no reason other than we live in a broken world. So, we feel the effects of a messed up world. The truth of the matter is that we really have no way of knowing whether COVID-19 is judgment from God unless God tells us directly. I have seen articles written from both perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic strongly declaring for one side or the other. We have to be really careful with that. I cannot give a strong “yes” or “no” on whether this is a judgment from God because my answer could be wrong.

Conger: How should Christians respond to the COVID-19 pandemic today?

Gray: With trust in the Lord knowing that He is still in control. God, who is Creator of the universe and has complete authority, knew that these days were coming to the world. We must let the truth’s of Scripture remind us that God is not frantically wondering how to solve this pandemic and defeat COVID-19. We have a Father who loves us deeply and will provide for us comfort, peace, hope, joy, rest, etc. when things in the world and our lives are out of control. This is not to say that we don’t have moments of fear and worry; but we can’t let ourselves set up camp in fear, anxiety and worry. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and saturate our minds with the work that He has done for us on the cross so that we can live in freedom!

Conger: What advice do you have for people to decrease their fear and anxiety during all the uncertainties?

Gray: It’s what I tell my folks at SCPC all the time: we must get in the Bible and spend time in prayer. We can read books, listen to music, take a walk, work in the yard, or play a game; but those things will only distract us for a short time. We can’t stay distracted for months on end; we must deal with the reality that we are scared and anxious. We must turn to God. God, through the Holy Spirit, can decrease our fear and anxiety faster and more effectively than anything else in this world. That is the only real solution that I know of to decrease fear and anxiety.

Conger: What are some practical ways we can love our neighbors in the midst of COVID-19?

Gray: This has probably been said thousands of times now in the last few weeks but it is true. We should be diligent about social distancing and checking on elderly folks who should not be getting out in this situation. We should check-in often on each other and be willing to help each other in any ways that we are able to provide.

Join Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church for worship services on Facebook Live Sunday mornings at 10 o’clock.

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